Klaus J. Bengler

8 records found


Rolling out the red (and green) carpet

Supporting driver decision making in automation-to-manual transitions

This paper assessed four types of human–machine interfaces (HMIs), classified according to the stages of automation proposed by Parasuraman et al. [“A model for types and levels of human interaction with automation,” IEEE Trans. Syst. Man, Cybern. A, Syst. Humans, vol. 30, no. 3, ...

Carrot and stick

A game-theoretic approach to motivate cooperative driving through social interaction

This driving-simulator study aimed to motivate cooperative lane-change maneuvers in automated freeway driving under human supervision. Two interaction concepts were designed based on game theory. These concepts supported drivers’ cooperation by applying both rewards and sancti ...

We investigated after effects of automation in take-over scenarios in a high-end moving-base driving simulator. Drivers performed evasive manoeuvres encountering a blocked lane in highway driving. We compared the performance of drivers 1) during manual driving, 2) after automa ...

Automated driving can fundamentally change road transportation and improve quality of life. However, at present, the role of humans in automated vehicles (AVs) is not clearly established. Interviews were conducted in April and May 2015 with 12 expert researchers in the field of h ...

The driver of a conditionally automated car is not required to permanently monitor the outside environment, but needs to take over control whenever the automation issues a “request to intervene” (i.e., take-over request). If the driver misses the take-over request or does not ...

Taking over vehicle control from a Level 3 conditionally automated vehicle can be a demanding task for a driver. The take-over determines the controllability of automated vehicle functions and thereby also traffic safety. This paper presents models predicting the main take-over p ...

Drowsiness in conditional automation

Proneness, diagnosis and driving performance effects

Fatigue and drowsiness can play an important role in Conditional Automation (CA), as drowsy drivers may fail to properly recover control. In order to provide better insight in the effects of drowsy driving in Take Over Request (TOR), we designed a driving experiment that exten ...

The task of car driving is automated to an ever greater extent. In the foreseeable future, drivers will no longer be required to touch the steering wheel and pedals and could engage in non-driving tasks such as working or resting. Vibrotactile displays have the potential to grab ...