Koen Ponnet

34 records found

Digitaal partnergeweld

Typologie, impact, en de rol van politie

Digitale media kunnen ingezet worden voor het plegen van geweld in de verschillende fasen van een partnerrelatie, zoals de datingfase, het onderhouden van de relatie maar ook tijdens en na het beëindigen van de relatie. In de context van digitaal partnergeweld kunnen beelden en m ...
Cyber dating abuse (CDA) concerns the use of digital technology to control, monitor, and hurt one’s intimate partner. CDA can have profound detrimental outcomes, such as mental health problems. As such, it is important to identify intrapersonal factors that may explain these beha ...
As romantic relationships in young adulthood (18–25 years) are frequently characterized by experimentation and risk-taking, this could make young adults particularly vulnerable to experience sexual harassment by a dating or committed partner. This study examines young adults’ vic ...
Since heating-related energy consumption is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions and accounts for a large part of domestic energy use in Europe, reducing heating-related energy consumption has great potential to reduce Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions. This study ...
Reducing heating-related energy consumption is vital in Europe, where it accounts for a significant portion of domestic energy usage. We studied the factors that influence reduced heating-related consumption by using three theoretical frameworks: the Theory of Planned Behaviour, ...
Sexting concerns the act of sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually explicit messages or photos (i.e., ‘sexts’) through electronic means. When sexts are received or forwarded without the consent of the original sender, this is called non-consensual sexting. Our study set out t ...
Partner phubbing (Pphubbing) concerns the act of ignoring a romantic partner during a conversation by paying attention to the mobile phone. In previous research, Pphubbing has been associated with several negative relationship outcomes, such as relationship dissatisfaction. In th ...

Measuring Safety Culture Using an Integrative Approach

The Development of a Comprehensive Conceptual Framework and an Applied Safety Culture Assessment Instrument

An exponential amount of academic research has been dedicated to the safety culture concept, but still, no consensus has been reached on its definition and content. In general, safety culture research lacks an interdisciplinary approach. Furthermore, although the concept of safet ...
Safety climate and safety culture are important research domains in risk and safety science, and various industry and service sectors show significant interest in, and commitment to, applying its concepts, theories, and methods to enhance organizational safety performance. Despit ...
The global spread of the coronavirus has drastically impacted people's lives. Due to governmental lockdown measures, most people's work and social life were suddenly confined to their own home. For partners who lived together, this could put serious strain on their relationship, ...
Digital media offer ample possibilities for individuals to control and monitor their dating or romantic partner and to make hurtful comments. Although online psychological intimate partner violence has received increased research attention over the past few years, much remains un ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected people’s lives and relationships. On March 13, 2020, the Belgian government issued lockdown measures which constrained most people’s work and social life to the confines of their own home. For couples who lived together, being locked ...
This paper describes changes in police recorded crime rates and changes in patterns of self-reported domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic (March 2020 - December 2020) in Belgium.@en

Nudging as a crime prevention strategy

The use of nudges to improve cyclists’ locking behavior and reduce the opportunities for bicycle theft

As policy makers are developing new alternative strategies to prevent bicycle theft, a nudging approach could provide useful insights in this field. In the current study, two different nudges were implemented at a selection of bicycle parking facilities in the neighborhood of a B ...

The impact of training sessions on physical security awareness

Measuring employees’ knowledge, attitude and self-reported behaviour

Today, the need to deal with workplace security threats has become an important matter for many organisations. While companies have invested in technological and organization measures, the human processes behind these techniques are often ignored. However, employees’ awareness of ...

Unravelling college students’ fear of crime

The role of perceived social disorder and physical disorder on campus

The current study explores the role of individual and environmental determinants on students’ fear of crime. Based on a large-scale survey among students of a Belgian university (n = 1,463), the relationship between perceived social and physical disorder and the three dimensions ...