Around 55% of The Netherlands is protected by flood defences like dikes. Flood defences must meet requirements which are based on an allowed flood probability. Safety assessments are performed to check whether flood defences meet these requirements. Uncertainties are explicitly i
Around 55% of The Netherlands is protected by flood defences like dikes. Flood defences must meet requirements which are based on an allowed flood probability. Safety assessments are performed to check whether flood defences meet these requirements. Uncertainties are explicitly included in safety assessments. Uncertainty in soil behaviour is one of the major contributors to failure probability of dikes. Therefore reduction of this uncertainty in soil behaviour leads to potential savings in reinforcement costs. One of the uncertainties in soil behaviour is the effect of aging on the behaviour of soft clays in compression. Compression behaviour of clay is strongly dependent on the transition from overconsolidated to normal consolidated soil behaviour. This transition phase in plain-strain conditions is indicated by the yield stress. The development of the yield stress due to aging is described by isotach models in terms of creep strains and stiffness parameters. Examples of isotach models are the abc-model and PLAXIS’ Soft Soil Creep model (SSC-model). According to those isotach models, a yield stress induced by aging is similar to a yield stress induced by unloading. This study verifies the development of the yield stress predicted by abc-models based on K0-CRS tests. The test material is remoulded, highly organic, silty clay with a liquid limit of 165% and a plastic limit of 56% (OVP-clay). The determination of the abc-parameters is not straightforward. The value for the creep parameter is easily overestimated due to a slow decrease in excess pore water pressure during a constant stress phase, resulting in stress-dependent strains instead of creep strains. The b-parameter is affected by the gradual transition from overconsolidated to normal consolidated behaviour and by the development of structure during aging. The development of structure is not included in the isotach models and could result in a higher yield stress than predicted by the isotach models. The possible increase of the yield stress due to the development of soil structure is not visible in the test results, but the performed tests indicate softening behaviour after aging phases. The SSC-model simulates no increase in lateral stress during aging. Some studies present data showing that the lateral stresses increase under a constant effective stress in time. Unfortunately, the development of lateral stresses cannot be quantified based on the performed tests due to stick and slip behaviour in the K0-ring during laboratory testing. Based on the test can be concluded that a minimum yield stress in time can be predicted based on isotach models. An important note is that a yield stress is always obtained with respect to a certain isotach which is dependent on the loading rate and the creep parameter. The shift of the yield stress from the imposed isotach to the reference isotach is often significant in laboratory tests, but not taken into account. Effects of development of structure during aging should be further investigated: it influences the behaviour of the soil in compression and affects the yield stress determination.