C. Zwanenburg

18 records found

In practical engineering the direct simple shear, DSS, tests are a valuable tool for parameter assessment, despite its known shortcomings. The shear stress mobilised at the end of the test is often used as a proxy for critical state strength. Several aspects complicate conducting ...

Geometrical Nonlinearities on the Bearing Capacity in Clay

A Validation Data Set for Numerical Tools

A series of plate loading tests on clay has been conducted in the centrifuge. The aim of the tests is to create a data set, which is freely downloadable, to validate numerical tools that account for geometrical nonlinearities. The tests include two sources of geometrical non-line ...
Organic soils are susceptible to creep. When predicting settlement of organic deposits due to small load increments, the initial conditions, particularly the initial strain rate should be assessed carefully. Recent developments in predicting creep behaviour of clays are tested in ...
Sub soil stratum in deltaic regions typically include a succession of permeable and non-permeable layers. Consequently, dikes built to protect delta areas, should be able to resist not only extreme surface water levels, but also an increase in hydraulic head in permeable layers. ...
As the population in cities all over the world is increasing, the effects of climatic action on the resilience of communities is becoming more and more important. Cities situated in deltas are also under strong urbanization demands and these demands have to be met with due consid ...

Lime Treatment

Evaluation for Use in Dike Applications in the Netherlands

This study aimed to assess the suitability of lime treatment for use in dikes in the Netherlands. The effect of this technique on the behavior of a Dutch clay was addressed by comparing the detailed response of lime-treated and natural samples at different lime contents (1.25% an ...
A series of undrained cyclic direct simple shear (CDSS) tests on dense Toyoura sand has been performed with the aim to investigate the influence of the stiffness of the DSS device on test results. To this end, springs were installed to reduce deliberately the stiffness of the app ...
The dynamic behavior of a peat deposit in the north of the Netherlands is described. The organic content ranges from 70% to 95%, which is high compared to the organic content generally presented in publications on the dynamic behavior of peats. Shear wave velocities vs and corres ...
Direct observation of gas in peat layers, generated by slow degradation in anoxic conditions, raised concern in the Netherlands about its potential impact on the geotechnical response of dykes founded on peat. To address this issue, an experimental investigation was initiated, ai ...
Peats are soils containing a significant component of organic matter. Biochemical degradation of this fraction generates gases such as CO2, H2S and CH4, which tend to saturate the pore water eventually resulting in exsolution and expansion. The ef ...