Erik Jenelius

20 records found


Recent advances in the development of modular transport vehicles allow deploying multi-purpose vehicles, which enable alternate transport of different demand types. In this study, we propose a novel variant of the pickup and delivery problem, the multi-purpose pickup and deliv ...

Over the past decade, there has been a surge of interest in the application of agent-based simulation models to evaluate flexible transit solutions characterized by different degrees of short-term flexibility in routing and scheduling. A central modelling decision in the devel ...

Increasing the operating speed in public transport systems can increase the system capacity, reduce the overall passenger travel time and improve experienced comfort. Skip-stop operation, where subsets of the trains operating on the same tracks skip certain intermediate stops, ...

This study investigates the potential of modular vehicle concepts and consolidation to increase the efficiency of urban freight and passenger transport. Modularity is achieved by connecting multiple vehicles together to form a platoon. Consolidation is realized by integrating ...

While social segregation is often assessed using static data concerning residential areas, the extent to which people with diverse background travel to the same destinations may offer an additional perspective on the extent of urban segregation. This study further contributes ...

Overcrowding has become a big challenge for public transport systems, affecting passengers’ travel experience. At the same time, service supply is often underutilized due to large variations in crowding across services, vehicle trips on the same service and different compartme ...

Holding has been extensively used as control strategy to regulate public transport operations, especially to maintain even headways and prevent buses of the same line to bunch up. Applying holding to multiple lines requires however to deal with the transition between corridor ...

The paper develops a simulation model and evaluates fixed versus on-demand operational designs of a station-based automated feeder service. The evaluation considers the operational cost and average passenger level-of-service trade-offs as well as distributional differences in ...

As travel demand grows in many cities around the world, overcrowding in public transport systems has become a major issue and has many negative effects for both users and operators. Measures to address on-board congestion span from large-scale strategic investments (e.g. incre ...

The maturing of autonomous driving technology in recent years has led to several pilot projects and the initial integration of autonomous pods and buses into the public transport (PT) system. An emerging field of interest is the design of public transport networks operating au ...

This paper develops a method for analysing the elasticity of travel demand to public transport fares. The methodology utilizes public transport smartcard data for collecting disaggregate full population data about passengers’ travel behaviour. The study extends previous work b ...

This paper presents a comparative analysis of demand-responsive and fixed-schedule, fixed route operations for a simplified station-based feeder to mass transit scenario. Traffic dynamics, demand-responsive fleet coordination, and the behaviour of individual transit users are ...

We propose a methodology based on multiple automated data sources for evaluating the effects of station layout, arriving traveler flows, and platform and on-board crowding on the distribution of boarding passengers among individual cars of metro trains. The methodology is appl ...

In transit corridors, multiple lines share a sequence of consecutive stops to provide higher joint frequency in higher demand areas. A key challenge is to coordinate the transition from single line to joint operation. A holding control strategy aimed at minimizing passenger trave ...
The paper proposes a methodology based on multiple automated data sources for evaluating the eects of station layout, arriving traveller flows, and platform and on-board crowding on the distribution of boarding passengers in individual cars of a metro train. The methodology is ap ...

In this paper, we deal with the problem of determining when and where a bus should short-turn on a single bi-directional line in real-time. We formulate a decision rule for when to short-turn among candidate short-turning locations that is based on the objective of minimizing ...


While social segregation is often assessed in terms of one socio-geographic space, usually place of residence, more recent approaches also incorporate activity-based and, in particular, mobility-based data. This study extends the use of mobility data to measure social segregation ...

Evaluation of public transport fare policy using smartcard data

Travel patterns change and distributional effects in Stockholm County

This study investigated the potential of ex-post fare policy evaluation utilising smartcard data. It looked into how to identify and measure the actual outcomes of a policy, define the degree of its success, and even find some unexpected side-effects of high importance. The study ...