I.P. Samiotis

6 records found



A Crowd-powered Music Transcription System

In this demo we present Scriptoria, an online crowdsourcing system to tackle the complex transcription process of classical orchestral scores. The system’s requirements are based on experts’ feedback from classical orchestra members. The architecture enables an end- to-end transc ...
Music content annotation campaigns are common on paid crowdsourcing platforms. Crowd workers are expected to annotate complex music artifacts, a task often demanding specialized skills and expertise, thus selecting the right participants is crucial for campaign success. However, ...
Music content annotation campaigns are common on paid crowdsourcing platforms. Crowd workers are expected to annotate complicated music artefacts, which can demand certain skills and expertise. Traditional methods of participant selection are not designed to capture these kind of ...
Automated methods and human annotation are being extensively utilized to scale up modern classification systems. Processes though such as music transcription, oppose certain challenges due to the complexity of the domain and the expertise needed to read and process music scores. ...
Human annotation is still an essential part of modern transcription workflows for digitizing music scores, either as a standalone approach where a single expert annotator transcribes a complete score, or for supporting an automated Optical Music Recognition (OMR) system. Research ...
In this work, we ask a question whether Convolutional Neural Networks are more suitable for side-channel attacks than some other machine learning techniques and if yes, in what situations. Our results point that Convolutional Neural Networks indeed outperform machine learning in ...