Sueyoon Lee

4 records found

The latest social VR technologies have enabled users to attend traditional media and arts performances together while being geographically removed, making such experiences accessible despite budget, distance, and other restrictions. In this work, we aim at improving the way remot ...
Extended Reality (XR) has emerged as a transformative and immersive technology with versatile applications in content creation and consumption. As XR gains popularity, companies eager to adopt it often possess a surface-level understanding, investing significant resources without ...
Visualizing biosignals can be important for social Virtual Reality (VR), where avatar non-verbal cues are missing. While several biosignal representations exist, designing effective visualizations and understanding user perceptions within social VR entertainment remains unclear. ...
Several social VR platforms support virtual entertainment events, however their value for post-show activities remains unclear. Through a user-centered approach, we design a social VR lobby experience to enrich four motivations of theatre-goers: social, intellectual, emotional, a ...