Kévin Martins

5 records found

Pressure on the coastline is escalating due to the impacts of climate change, this is leading to a rise in sea-levels and intensifying storminess. Consequently, many regions of the coast are at increased risk of erosion and flooding. Therefore coastal protection schemes will incr ...
The present paper reports on a field experiment performed over a shallow, roughness-varying barrier reef at Maupiti island, French Polynesia. The spectral wave energy balance is examined, outside the breaking zone and accounting for non-linear transfers and mean current, to estim ...
Dynamic cobble berm revetments are a promising soft engineering technique capable of protecting sandy coastlines by armouring the sand and dissipating wave energy to protect the hinterland against wave attack. They also form composite beaches as they are essentially mimicking nat ...
The effects of climate change and sea level rise, combined with overpopulation are leading to ever-increasing stress on coastal regions throughout the world. As a result, there is increased interest in sustainable and adaptable methods of coastal protection. Dynamic cobble berm r ...

Surf Zone Wave Measurements from Lidar Scanners

Analysis of Non-hydrostatic Processes

Martins, K.; Bonneton, P.; Bayle, P.M.; Blenkinsopp, C.E.; Mouragues, A., and Michallet, H., 2020. Surf zone wave measurements from lidar scanners: Analysis of non-hydrostatic processes. In: Malvárez, G. and Navas, F. (eds.), Global Coastal Issues of 2020. Journal of Coastal Rese ...