J. Helsen

17 records found


We propose network benchmarking: a procedure to efficiently benchmark the quality of a quantum network link connecting quantum processors in a quantum network. This procedure is based on the standard randomized benchmarking protocol and provides an estimate for the fidelity of ...

A graph H is a vertex-minor of a graph G if it can be reached from G by the successive application of local complementations and vertex deletions. Vertex-minors have been the subject of intense study in graph theory over the last decades and have found applications in other fi ...

Graph states are ubiquitous in quantum information with diverse applications ranging from quantum network protocols to measurement based quantum computing. Here we consider the question whether one graph (source) state can be transformed into another graph (target) state, usi ...

Critical to the construction of large scale quantum networks, i.e. a quantum internet, is the development of fast algorithms for managing entanglement present in the network. One fundamental building block for a quantum internet is the distribution of Bell pairs between distan ...

Graph states, which include Bell states, Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states, and cluster states, form a well-known class of quantum states with applications ranging from quantum networks to error-correction. Whether two graph states are equivalent up to single-qubit Clif ...

Current techniques in quantum process tomography typically return a single point estimate of an unknown process based on a finite albeit large amount of measurement data. Due to statistical fluctuations, however, other processes close to the point estimate can also produce the ...

Quantum information in the real world

Diagnosing and correcting errors in practical quantum devices

Quantum computers promise to be a revolutionary new technology. However, in order to realise this promise many hurdles must first be overcome. In this thesis we investigate two such hurdles: the presence of noise in quantum computers and limitations on the connectivity and contro ...

We introduce spectral quantum tomography, a simple method to extract the eigenvalues of a noisy few-qubit gate, represented by a trace-preserving superoperator, in a SPAM-resistant fashion, using low resources in terms of gate sequence length. The eigenvalues provide detailed ...

We report the first complete characterization of single-qubit and two-qubit gate fidelities in silicon-based spin qubits, including cross talk and error correlations between the two qubits. To do so, we use a combination of standard randomized benchmarking and a recently intro ...

Randomized benchmarking (RB) is an efficient and robust method to characterize gate errors in quantum circuits. Averaging over random sequences of gates leads to estimates of gate errors in terms of the average fidelity. These estimates are isolated from the state preparation ...

Unitarity randomized benchmarking (URB) is an experimental procedure for estimating the coherence of implemented quantum gates independently of state preparation and measurement errors. These estimates of the coherence are measured by the unitarity. A central problem in this e ...

Randomized benchmarking is a technique for estimating the average fidelity of a set of quantum gates. However, if this gateset is not the multi-qubit Clifford group, robustly extracting the average fidelity is difficult. Here, we propose a new method based on representation th ...

A central challenge for the scaling of quantum computing systems is the need to control all qubits in the system without a large overhead. A solution for this problem in classical computing comes in the form of so-called crossbar architectures. Recently we made a proposal for ...

Quantum communication has demonstrated its usefulness for quantum cryptography far beyond quantum key distribution. One domain is two-party cryptography, whose goal is to allow two parties who may not trust each other to solve joint tasks. Another interesting application is po ...

The q-qubit Clifford group, that is, the normalizer of the q-qubit Pauli group in U(2q), is a fundamental structure in quantum information with a wide variety of applications. We characterize all irreducible subrepresentations of the two-copy representation φ⊗2 ...

The spin states of single electrons in gate-defined quantum dots satisfy crucial requirements for a practical quantum computer. These include extremely long coherence times, high-fidelity quantum operation, and the ability to shuttle electrons as a mechanism for on-chip flying ...


This thesis provides an overview of the standard randomized benchmarking protocol, the extension to interleaved randomized benchmarking and the related unitarity randomized benchmarking, used to characterize noisy implementations of quantum gates from the Clifford group. It conta ...