Lieve Helsen

13 records found


In this paper, we propose a data-driven methodology to identify the optimal placement of sensors in a multi-zone building. The proposed methodology is based on statistical tests that study the (in) dependence of measurements from various available sensors. The tests advice on ...

Aggregating set-point temperature profiles for archetype-based

Simulations of the space heat demand within residential districts

With the increasing integration of multiple energy carriers in district energy systems, an accurate simulation of the district energy demand becomes more crucial. To reduce the required computational power, the district energy demand is often quantified through a limited set o ...

To aid in the integration of renewable and residual energy sources in the energy system, energy flexibility is required. By charging and discharging energy storage, energy flexibility can be created and heat demand and heat generation can be matched in time. One possible sourc ...

Towards a DESTEST

A district energy simulation test developed in IBPSA project 1

This paper presents the first steps towards a District Energy Simulation Test (DESTEST), which is part of IBPSA Project 1. The goal is to develop a test sequel for district energy simulations, inspired by principles of the BESTEST. It aims at providing a means to validate Dist ...

In the quest to increase the share of renewable and residual energy sources in our energy system, and to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, district heating networks and seasonal thermal energy storage have the potential to play a key role. Different studies prove the techno ...

Representative days selection for district energy system optimisation

A solar district heating system with seasonal storage

The design and operational optimisation of fourth generation district heating networks is a crucial step towards highly renewable energy systems of the future. In order to optimise such complex systems, a toolbox modesto (multi-objective district energy systems toolbox for opt ...

Bypass valves in district heating substations are a compromise between efficiency and quality of service. On the one hand, they are required to ensure that each building (no matter the distance to the heat source) has warm water within an acceptable time. On the other hand, th ...

4th generation district heating and cooling networks (shortly THERNETs) are often coined as a crucial technology to enable the transition towards low-carbon smart energy systems. Most importantly, they open perspectives for integration of low-grade residual heat from industry, re ...

Flexibility in district heating and cooling systems (thermal networks in general) is an important means to cope with the intermittent generation of heat and electricity as the share of renewable energy sources (RES) increases. An important source of flexibility is the thermal ...

Simulation and optimisation of district heating and cooling networks requires efficient and realistic models of the individual network elements in order to correctly represent heat losses or gains, temperature propagation and pressure drops. Due to more recent thermal networks ...

The two spaces office module is usually considered as a representative case-study to analyse the energetic improvement in office buildings. In this kind of buildings, the use of a model predictive control (MPC) scheme for the climate system control provides energy savings over ...

Due to its inherent large thermal inertia, concrete core activation (CCA) could assist in active demand response schemes. By shifting the injection or extraction of thermal power in time, demand peaks that normally occur more or less simultaneously in clusters of buildings can ...

Optimal design and operation of district heating networks require accurate, but simple models to allow fast simulation. This paper describes the analytical derivation of such a model based on existing work regarding heat loss and dynamic temperature profile calculations in lit ...