The investigation of neural activity in the murine brain through electrophysiological recordings stands as a fun-damental pursuit within the domain of neuroscience. A specific area of keen interest within this field pertains to the scrutiny of Purkinje cells, nestled within the c
The investigation of neural activity in the murine brain through electrophysiological recordings stands as a fun-damental pursuit within the domain of neuroscience. A specific area of keen interest within this field pertains to the scrutiny of Purkinje cells, nestled within the cerebellum, in order to gain insights into the mechanisms underlying brain injuries and the impairment of motor functions. Notably, Purkinje cells manifest two distinct types of spikes - complex and simple - a pivotal aspect for subsequent classification purposes. However, a critical challenge has persisted in the experimental paradigm: the prevailing setups necessitate the use of wired connections linking the mouse's head stage to data acquisition systems. This constraint substantially curtails the mouse's natural behavior during the course of experimentation, limiting the ability to study essential neural processes and motor function aspects over extended periods. In this paper, we propose a new architectural framework for the detection and classification of neuronal spikes originating from Purkinje cells. This system is engineered to exploit the distinct attributes of these neural entities, effectively winnowing out extraneous data while retaining the pertinent information. The resultant output is a refined dataset, amenable to convenient storage within the mouse's head stage, obviating the need for unwieldy wiring configurations. Our proposed implementation attains a classification accuracy of up to 98% on an in-vivo dataset. Furthermore, its compact form factor en-sures unhindered mobility for the experimental mouse, fostering naturalistic behaviors during the course of scientific inquiry.