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E. Hasselaar
Academic Work (130)
Abstract (1)
Book (7)
Book chapter (21)
Conference paper (37)
Digital or visual products (5)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (32)
Other (3)
Report (23)
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130 records found
Tenant involvement in renovation for low energy performance
Conference paper (2014) -
C Hiller (author)
E. Hasselaar (author)
P Gervind (author)
Reflective multi-foil insulations for buildings : A review
Journal article (2013) -
M.J. Tenpierik (author)
Martin J. Tenpierik (author)
Martin Tenpierik (author)
E. Hasselaar (author)
Determinants of electricity consumption in Dutch dwellings
Journal article (2013) -
M. Bedir (author)
M. Bedir (author)
M. Bedir (author)
E. Hasselaar (author)
L. C.M. Itard (author)
Laure Itard (author)
LCM Itard (author)
L.C.M. Itard (author)
WK2020 slotmanifestatie 'Vernieuwingsimpulsen bij woningrenovatie' - Factsheets
Report (2013) -
H.J. Visscher (author)
Henk J. Visscher (author)
H. J. Visscher (author)
Henk Visscher (author)
HJ Visscher (author)
A. Straub (author)
Ad Straub (author)
A Straub (author)
L. C.M. Itard (author)
Laure Itard (author)
L.C.M. Itard (author)
LCM Itard (author)
N.E.T. Nieboer (author)
NET Nieboer (author)
Nico Nieboer (author)
A. Meijer (author)
A Meijer (author)
Arjen Meijer (author)
E. Hasselaar (author)
Frits Meijer (author)
Frits M. Meijer (author)
F.M. Meijer (author)
FM Meijer (author)
Bewohnerinformation Stadtwerk Lehen Salzburg
Digital or visual products (2012) -
E. Hasselaar (author)
Hasselaar praesentiert Ideenbrauerei Gouda
Digital or visual products (2012) -
E. Hasselaar (author)
Evaluation report regarding socio-economic results of the innovative stakeholder collaboration forms in Concerto implementation. A comparison between Salzburg and Copenhagen
Report (2012) -
E. Hasselaar (author)
Vochtproblemen in sociale huurwoningen in Den Haag
Report (2012) -
Arjen Meijer (author)
A. Meijer (author)
A Meijer (author)
E. Hasselaar (author)
Henk Visscher (author)
HJ Visscher (author)
H.J. Visscher (author)
Henk J. Visscher (author)
H. J. Visscher (author)
Draagvlak huurders voor energiebesparing
Digital or visual products (2012) -
E. Hasselaar (author)
Woningverbetering, draagvlak en technische aanpak
Report (2012) -
E. Hasselaar (author)
Prijsontwikkeling wonen
Digital or visual products (2012) -
E. Hasselaar (author)
De zelfredzame burger
Journal article (2012) -
E. Hasselaar (author)
H Praag (author)
Ideeen brouwen over woningkwaliteit
Digital or visual products (2012) -
E. Hasselaar (author)
Popular health risk assessment
Journal article (2012) -
E. Hasselaar (author)
Making Room for People. Choice, Voice and Liveability in Residential Places
Book (2011) -
Lei Qu (author)
L. Qu (author)
E. Hasselaar (author)
G. Perez Rendon (author)
E.D. Hulsbergen (author)
P.L.M. Stouten (author)
HP de Haan (author)
HP de Haan (author)
L.C. Tummers-Mueller (author)
Lidewij Tummers (author)
L.C. Tummers (author)
Lidewij Tummers-Mueller (author)
Occupant behaviour and energy performance in dwellings: a case study in the Netherlands
Conference paper (2011) -
M. Bedir (author)
E. Hasselaar (author)
L. C.M. Itard (author)
Laure Itard (author)
LCM Itard (author)
L.C.M. Itard (author)
Market dominance and participatory planning in new housing developments
Book chapter (2011) -
E. Hasselaar (author)
Kloof tussen ambitie en praktijk moet gedicht
Journal article (2011) -
E. Hasselaar (author)
Book chapter (2011) -
E. Hasselaar (author)
L. Qu (author)
Lei Qu (author)
Book chapter (2011) -
L. Qu (author)
Lei Qu (author)
E. Hasselaar (author)