G. A. De Wijs
10 records found
Rare-Earth oxyhydrides (REH3-2xOx) are characterized by photodarkening when illuminated by photons having an energy exceeding that of the band gap. We propose that the film is segregated in hydrogen rich and hydrogen poor areas. Upon illumination, the excited electrons reduce the
Exploring Multi-Anion Chemistry in Yttrium Oxyhydrides
Solid-State NMR Studies and DFT Calculations
Rare earth oxyhydrides REOxH(3-2x), with RE = Y, Sc, or Gd and a cationic FCC lattice, are reversibly photochromic in nature. It is known that structural details and anion (O2-:H-) composition dictate the efficiency of the photochromic
To develop an understanding of the photochromic effect in rare-earth metal oxyhydride thin films (REH3-2xOx, here RE = Y), we explore the aliovalent doping of the RE cation. We prepared Ca-doped yttrium oxyhydride thin films ((CazY1-z)HxOy) by reactive magnetron cosputtering with
In this paper, we investigate by ab initio DFT how the O:H ratio influences the formation and lattice energy, metastability, and optical properties of Y and La anion-disordered ROxH3-2x oxyhydrides. To achieve this, a set of special quasirandom structures (SQS) is introduced to m
Erratum to
Aliovalent Calcium Doping of Yttrium Oxyhydride Thin Films and Implications for Photochromism (The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2022) 126:34 (14742−14749) DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c04456)
The energy axes of the RBS and ERD data (contained in Figures 2a,b,d,e, and S4) were originally underestimated, and the corrected figures appear below and in the Supporting Information. The change is in the conversion from raw data to the energy scale, which was initially convert
Metal-Semiconductor (M/S) heterojunctions, better known as Schottky junctions play a crucial role in modern electronics. At present, the mechanisms behind the M/S junctions are still a subject of discussion. In this work, we investigate the interfaces between semiconducting cryst
The quarternary (Mn,Fe)2(P,Si)-based materials with a giant magnetocaloric effect (GMCE) at the ferromagnetic transition TC are promising bulk materials for solid-state magnetic refrigeration. In the present study we demonstrate that doping with the light el
The interest in the magnetic cooling devices has led to an intensive search for suitable well-performing magnetocaloric materials. High-throughput studies based on density functional theory (DFT) calculations can significantly simplify and increase the range of this search. In th
Lithiation of the Fe2P-based magnetocaloric materials
A first-principles study
The physical properties of the extensively studied Fe2P material family, well-known for its promising magnetocaloric qualities are greatly influenced by the unit-cell parameters of this hexagonal system. This sensitivity of the various magnetocaloric properties to stru
Optical response of the sodium alanate system
GW0-BSE calculations and thin film measurements
We calculate from first principles the optical spectra of the hydrides in the sodium alanate hydrogen storage system: NaH, NaAlH4, and Na 3AlH6. In particular we study the effects of systematic improvements of the theoretical description. To benchmark the calculations we also mea