Payment Channel Networks have been developed to deal with the scalability issue in blockchain technologies. Using them, two parties can make multiple payments between themselves relatively fast. However, usually the channels have too small capacities, unable to handle a big payme
Payment Channel Networks have been developed to deal with the scalability issue in blockchain technologies. Using them, two parties can make multiple payments between themselves relatively fast. However, usually the channels have too small capacities, unable to handle a big payment. Allowing to split a payment into smaller payments and forwarding them through different intermediaries is a way to solve this issue, but a party only knows the capacities of the channels it is connected to. Therefore, it is possible for a payment to be sent to an intermediary which would not have sufficient funds to forward it to another node, closer to the receiver. Making redundant transactions in order to further improve the payment success ratio is a way to handle this drawback. This paper provides 3 algorithms for adding redundancy to the already existing splitting protocol. The evaluation shows that all of them improve the success ratio, but at the price of parties exchanging more messages.