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GM Ferrari
Academic Work (31)
Book chapter (4)
Conference paper (14)
Journal article (6)
Report (7)
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31 records found
A critical appraisal of the interpretation of electrochemical noise for corrosion studies
Journal article (2014) -
AM Homborg (author)
T Tinga (author)
EPM van Westing (author)
X. Zhang (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
JHW de Wit (author)
Johannes M.C. Mol (author)
Application of transient analysis using Hilbert spectra of electrochemical noise to the identification of corrosion inhibition
Journal article (2014) -
Axel Homborg (author)
EPM van Westing (author)
T. Tinga (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
X. Zhang (author)
JHW de Wit (author)
J. M C Mol (author)
Critical aspects of electrochemical noise-based corrosion monitoring
Conference paper (2014) -
Axel Homborg (author)
T Tinga (author)
Xialong Zhang (author)
EPM van Westing (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
JHW de Wit (author)
Arjan Mol (author)
Transient analysis through Hilbert spectra of electrochemical noise signals for the identification of localized corrosion of stainless steel
Journal article (2013) -
Axel Homborg (author)
T Tinga (author)
Xi Zhang (author)
EPM van Westing (author)
P.J. Oonincx (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
JHW de Wit (author)
J. M C Mol (author)
Novel time-frequency characterization of electrochemical noise data in corrosion studies using Hilbert spectra
Journal article (2013) -
Axel Homborg (author)
EPM van Westing (author)
T Tinga (author)
Xi Zhang (author)
P.J. Oonincx (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
JHW de Wit (author)
J. M C Mol (author)
Time-frequency analysis of electrochemical noise data using Hilbert spectra for the characterization of localized corrosion processes
Conference paper (2013) -
Axel Homborg (author)
T Tinga (author)
Xi Zhang (author)
EPM van Westing (author)
P.J. Oonincx (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
JHW de Wit (author)
J. M C Mol (author)
A new approach to study local corrosion processes on steel surfaces by combining different microscopic techniques
Journal article (2012) -
A. Heyer (author)
F. d' Souza (author)
A. Bruin (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
J. M.C. Mol (author)
JHW de Wit (author)
Electrochemical noice measurements: Working electrode area dependence
Conference paper (2011) -
Axel M. Homborg (author)
EPM van Westing (author)
T. Tinga (author)
X Zhang (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
J. M.C. Mol (author)
JHW de Wit (author)
A study of electron transfer processes through biofilms in marine environments
Conference paper (2010) -
A. Heyer (author)
FD Souza (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
J.M.C. Mol (author)
JHW de Wit (author)
Characterization of microbial attachment on metal surfaces by Scanning Kelvin Probe and Epifluorescence Microscopy
Conference paper (2010) -
A. Heyer (author)
FD Souza (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
J.M.C. Mol (author)
JHW de Wit (author)
Coatings for marine and shipping applications
Book chapter (2008) -
JHW de Wit (author)
WM Bos (author)
JMC Mol (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
Organic coatings for marine and shipping applications
Book chapter (2008) -
JHW de Wit (author)
JMC Mol (author)
WM Bos (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
Complementary use of eis and enm for qualification of organic coating
Conference paper (2006) -
W.M. Bos (author)
A. Homborg (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
Determination of degradation mechanisms of organic coatings
Conference paper (2005) -
WM Bos (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
Toepassing van elektroactieve polymeren in milieuvriendelijke anticorrosieve behandeling van metalen (TELMAB). Voortgangsrapport nr. 6 (1-10-2001 t/m 31-3-2002)
Report (2002) -
WJ Hamer (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
Electrochemical impedance study on the formation of biological iron phosphate layers
Journal article (2002) -
HJA Breur (author)
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
J. van Turnhout (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
Toepassing van elektroactieve polymeren in milieuvriendelijke anticorrosieve behandeling van metalen (TELMAB). Voortgangsrapport nr. 7 (1-4-2002 t/m 30-9-2002)
Report (2002) -
WJ Hamer (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
Biomineralisation of metal.
Report (2001) -
HJA Breur (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
Mark M.C. van Loosdrecht (author)
Cristian Picioreanu (author)
Toepassing van elektroactieve polymeren in milieuvriendelijk anticorrosieve behandeling van metalen (TELMAB). Voortgangsrapport nr. 5
Report (2001) -
WJ Hamer (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
J.H.W. de Wit (author)
Eindrapportage KIEM 99008
Report (2001) -
HJA Breur (author)
GM Ferrari (author)
Mark M.C. van Loosdrecht (author)
Cristian Picioreanu (author)