P.W.J. Henselmans
14 records found
In minimally invasive surgery, maneuverability is usually limited and a large number of degrees of freedom (DOF) is highly demanded. However, increasing the DOF usually means increasing the complexity of the surgical instrument leading to long fabrication and assembly times. In t
The fields of Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) and Natural Orifices Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) strive to reduce the level of invasiveness by entering the body through smaller incisions and natural orifices. Hyper-redundant snake-like instruments can help in this purs
Mechanical Snakes
Path-Following Instruments for Minimally Invasive Surgery
Surgical procedures are inherently invasive as they require the surgeon to cut into the body to create a surgical pathway towards the diseased area, resulting in surgical trauma for the patient. The field of Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) strives to reduce surgical trauma by mi
Needles with diameter under 1 mm are used in various medical applications to limit the risk of complication and patient discomfort during the procedure. Next to a small diameter, needle steerability is an important property for reaching targets located deep inside the body accura
Mechanical Follow-the-Leader motion of a hyper-redundant surgical instrument
Proof-of-concept prototype and first tests
One of the most prominent drivers in the development of surgical procedures is the will to reduce their invasiveness, attested by minimally invasive surgery being the gold standards in many surgical procedures and natural orifices transluminal endoscopic surgery gaining acceptanc
Catheter steering in interventional cardiology
Mechanical analysis and novel solution
In recent years, steerable catheters have been developed to combat the effects of the dynamic cardiac environment. Mechanically actuated steerable catheters appear the most in the clinical setting; however, they are bound to a number of mechanical limitations. The aim of this res
A clear visualization of the operative field is of critical importance in endoscopic surgery. During surgery the endoscope lens can get fouled by body fluids (eg, blood), ground substance, rinsing fluid, bone dust, or smoke plumes, resulting in visual impairment. As a result, sur
The MemoSlide
An explorative study into a novel mechanical follow-the-leader mechanism
Follow-the-leader propagation allows for the insertion of flexible surgical instruments along curved paths, reducing the access required for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery. Currently, the most promising follow-the-leader instruments use the alternating memory met
Shooting mechanisms in Nature
A systematic review
In nature, shooting mechanisms are used for a variety of purposes, including prey capture, defense, and reproduction. This review offers insight into the working principles of shooting mechanisms in fungi, plants, and animals in the light of the specific functional ...
In nature, shooting mechanisms are used for a variety of purposes, including prey capture, defense, and reproduction. This review offers insight into the working principles of shooting mechanisms in fungi, plants, and animals in the light of the specific functional ...