C. Mertens
20 records found
The effects of the wing skin distortion on the boundary layer of a highly flexible wing are analyzed in a wind tunnel experiment using infrared thermography measurements. Considerable differences in the boundary layer flow are observed when comparing the sections of the wing near
Recently, Wilson et al. [1] suggested the use of an active hinged folding wingtip device on aircraft wings, with the goal of benefiting from the aerodynamic efficiency of high-aspect ratio wings while reducing the peak loads that are experienced at the wing root in the presence o
This thesis presents a novel measurement approach for aeroelastic wind tunnel testing. The key novelty of this approach is the integrated measurement of aerodynamic and structural quantities using an optical technique. The considered approach consists of combined measurements of
This study presents an aeroelastic wind-tunnel experiment to identify the influence of the wing stiffness and hinge release threshold on the gust load alleviation performance of a folding wingtip design. Five models with different stiffness and tailoring properties are tested, an
The laminar separation bubble (LSB) that forms on the suction side of a modified NACA 64
3-618 airfoil at a chord-based Reynolds number of Re = 200 , 000 is studied using wind tunnel experiments. First, the LSB is characterized over a range of static ang
The Pazy Wing test case is a benchmark for the investigation of aeroelastic effects at very large deflections. Tip deformations in the order of 50% span were measured in wind tunnel tests which renders this model highly attractive for the validation of numerical aeroelastic metho
The aeroelastic response of the Delft-Pazy wing to steady and periodic unsteady inflow conditions is analyzed experimentally. The Delft-Pazy wing is a highly flexible wing model based on the benchmark Pazy wing (Avin, O., Raveh, D. E., Drachinsky, A., Ben-Shmuel, Y., and Tur, M.,
The aerodynamic, elastic, and inertial components in Collar’s triangle of forces acting on a flexible wing with span width s=1.75 m and chord c=0.25 m are determined based on integrated optical measurements of the structural and aerodynamic response to steady and unsteady perio
The Pazy Wing test case is a benchmark for the investigation of aeroelastic effects at very large deflections. Tip deformations in the order of 50% span were measured in wind tunnel tests, which renders this model highly attractive for the validation of numerical aeroelastic meth
The aeroelastic response of a very flexible wing in steady and unsteady inflow conditions is measured in a wind tunnel experiment. An integrated aeroelastic characterization is performed with a non-intrusive optical setup that allows simultaneous measurements of the structural mo
The aeroelastic response of a highly flexible wing to periodic gust excitation is determined experimentally. The integrated optical measurement approach that is applied provides combined measurements of the structural response of the wing and the unsteady flow field around it. Th
An aeroelastic wind tunnel experiment to identify the influence of the wing stiffness and hinge release threshold on the gust load alleviation performance of a folding wingtip design is presented in this study. Five models with different stiffness and tailoring properties are tes
The structural motion and unsteady aerodynamic loads of a pitching airfoil model that features an actuated trailing edge flap are determined experimentally using a single measurement and data processing system. This integrated approach provides an alternative to the coordinated u
The aerodynamic loads on a flexible wing in terms of the surface pressure distribution and the lift force along the span are determined experimentally based on non-intrusive Lagrangian particle tracking (LPT) measurements. As the flexible wing deforms under the aerodynamic loads,
The three components in Collar’s triangle of forces (aerodynamic, elastic and inertial) acting on a flexible wing are determined, based on integrated optical measurements of the structural and the aerodynamic response to steady and unsteady periodic inflow conditions. The measure
The unsteady surface pressure distribution and aerodynamic loads on a pitching airfoil are determined non-intrusively using PIV measurements. An experimental test case is considered where the flow around the airfoil is mostly attached while the unsteady effects on the aerodynamic
A proportionate controller is investigated experimentally for unsteady load alleviation purposes on a 2D wing model with a trailing-edge flap. The controller acts on the velocity of the flaps, and pressure sensors are used to detect the unsteady loads, which are generated by actu
Advanced data processing methods for detecting unsteady boundary layer transition in periodic aerodynamic processes by means of infrared thermography measurements are presented. The thermal radiation emitted from the heated suction surface of a pitching airfoil model in subsonic
Abstract: Differential infrared thermography (DIT) is a method of analyzing infrared images to measure the unsteady motion of the laminar–turbulent transition of a boundary layer. It uses the subtraction of two infrared images taken with a short-time delay. DIT is a new technique
Differential infrared thermography (DIT) is a method of analyzing infrared images to measure the unsteady motion of the laminar–turbulent transition of a boundary layer. It uses the subtraction of two infrared images taken with a short time delay. DIT is a new technique which alr