P Block

15 records found


Creasing the British museum

Topology finding of crease patterns for shell structures

Several structural systems rely on a specific hierarchy between their constitutive elements, which results in topological constraints on the feasible patterns that can describe them. Folded, corrugated, or creased surface structures require this bipartition, also called two-co ...

Structural design is a search for the best trade-off between multiple architecture, engineering, and construction objectives, not only mechanical efficiency or construction rationality. Producing hybrid designs from single-objective optimal designs to explore multi-objective t ...

Topology-optimisation strategies for structural design of discrete surface structures result in unstructured patterns that require post-rationalisation to limit the number and complexity of the various structural elements. Fabrication-related objectives still demand further pr ...

This paper presents a formwork system consisting of a bending-active gridshell that simultaneously serves as falsework and integrated reinforcement for realising a ribbed funicular concrete skeleton shell. Encased by a knitted textile shuttering, the formwork system was demons ...

Facing the challenges of our environmental crisis, the AEC sector must significantly lower its carbon footprint and use of first-use resources. A specific target is the reduction of the amount of concrete used. Funicular structures that base their strength on their structurall ...

Failure of tall slender masonry structures during earthquakes often involves partial collapse of the structure well-above ground level. Consequently, the elastic response of the structure needs to be considered, which often requires modal analysis using finite element models — ...

This paper presents the design, engineering and digital fabrication strategies for a circular pedestrian bridge to be built as part of “De Groene Boog” development of the A16 highway north of Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The bridge is designed as a lightweight funicular unreinforc ...

This paper describes the structural design, digital fabrication and construction of KnitCandela, a free-form, concrete waffle shell with KnitCrete, a falsework-less formwork approach using a custom prefabricated knitted textile as multi-functional, structural shuttering layer ...

The patterns of many structural systems must fulfil a property of two-colourability to partition their elements into two groups. Such examples include top versus bottom layers of continuous beams in elastic gridshells, corrugated versus non-corrugated directions in corrugated ...

Conventional construction of doubly-curved concrete structures is a time-, labour- and cost-intensive process. Flexible formworks have already been identified as a possible solution to produce such structures more efficiently. The KnitCrete technology developed at ETH Zurich uses ...
Knitting offers the possibility of creating 3D geometries, including non-developable surfaces, within a single piece of fabric without the necessity of tailoring or stitching. To create a CNC-knitted fabric, a knitting pattern is needed in the form of 2D line-by-line instructions ...

A novel formwork system is presented as a material saving, labour reducing and cost-effective solution for the casting of bespoke doubly curved concrete geometries. The approach uses a custom knit technical textile as a lightweight stay-in-place formwork with integrated soluti ...

This paper presents initial results of research focused on developing a novel type of formwork for concrete based on pre-stressed fabric formwork principles. It aims at creating geometries that are fabricated in one piece by knitting technical fibers, which could ultimately be us ...