A.A. Mehrotra

20 records found

The assessment of the seismic performance of unreinforced masonry cross-vaults is still a challenge in numerical analysis, due to complex curved geometries and bond patterns, and uncertainties related to the selection of adequate modeling strategies, including but not limited to ...
This work compares the ability of different numerical modelling approaches to simulate the out-of-plane behaviour of two-leaf stone masonry walls with different masonry bond configurations: an irregular drystone stone masonry wall and a masonry wall with roughly cut regular stone ...
One of the characteristic features of the city of Utrecht is its extensive system of canals and wharf cellars, whose constructions date back as early as the 1200s, and which are now considered as one of the historical properties of the city. A typical wharf cellar in Utrecht comp ...
Bed joint reinforced repointing is a retrofitting technique for unreinforced masonry structures that is commonly applied in the Netherlands to repair settlement-induced damage. Using this technique, the bed joints of masonry walls are reinforced with steel rebars that are embedde ...
Failure of tall slender masonry structures during earthquakes often involves partial collapse of the structure well-above ground level. Consequently, the elastic response of the structure needs to be considered, which often requires modal analysis using finite element models — th ...

Experimental, numerical and analytical investigations of masonry corners

Influence of the horizontal pseudo-static load orientation

The present work aims to expand the knowledge of the behaviour of masonry corners, which are capital to obtain an integral seismic response in masonry buildings. In particular, the influence of the seismic load orientation (from π/4 to π/2) is investigated experimentally, numeric ...
A blind prediction contest was organized to evaluate the ability of different modeling approaches to simulate the seismic rocking response of a full-scale four-column podium structure. The structure was tested on a shake table, and was subjected to two bidirectional ground motion ...
Unreinforced masonry structures, particularly façade walls, are seismically vulnerable due to their weak connections with adjacent walls, floors, and/or roofs. During an earthquake, such walls formulate local mechanisms prone to out-of-plane collapse. This behavior has been large ...
Masonry structures have been observed to display a high vulnerability to failure under seismic action. This stems from the fact that their structural configurations usually lack adequate connections among the distinct elements, resulting in the formation of local mechanisms exper ...
This paper presents a user-friendly, CAD-interfaced methodology for the rapid seismic assessment of historic masonry structures. The proposed multi-level procedure consists of a two-step analysis that combines upper bound limit analysis with non-linear dynamic (rocking) analysis ...
The authors characterized earthen wall materials and plasters in a mid-fourteenth-century Hohokam great house at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument (Arizona) and assessed the seismic susceptibility of its puddled earth walls. Characterization included determining the microstruct ...
Collapse of masonry structures under the influence of seismic action typically takes place via specific failure mechanisms, which have been well-documented. Assuming these mechanisms can be modelled as a kinematic chain, equations of motion can be derived and solved to predict dy ...
Out-of-plane collapse of walls is perhaps one of the most common modes of failure of masonry structures during earthquakes. Depending on the restraint conditions, walls can fail by developing a hinge along their height, thereby resulting in the formation of a two-block out-of-pla ...
This paper presents a new CAD-interfaced analytical tool for the nonlinear dynamic analysis of masonry collapse mechanisms. Utilizing rocking dynamics, the tool derives and solves equations of motion for a broad range of collapse mechanisms, for any user-defined structural geomet ...
Failure of masonry structures generally occurs via specific collapse mechanisms which have been well documented. Using rocking dynamics, equations of motion have been derived for a number of different failure mechanisms ranging from the simple overturning of a single block to mor ...
This paper studies damage to a few specific monuments in the Kathmandu Valley that were either partially or completely destroyed during the 2015 Gorkha earthquake. Three of these structures—namely, the Basantapur Column, the Dharahara Tower, and the Narayan Temple—were modeled bo ...
The 2015 Nepal Earthquake caused significant localized damage to several historic centers in the KathmanduValley. In particular, many cultural heritage structures were either partially or completely destroyed. This paper studies the destruction sustained by a fewspecific monument ...
Large displacement response of stone masonry structures often involves the opening and closing of dry joints, or hinging behaviour. Discrete element modelling (DEM) is often used to model large displacement response as it inherently captures the interaction of discrete bodies, an ...

Deconstructing the dome

A structural analysis of the Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal, built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan to commemorate the death of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, is considered to be a marvel of Mughal construction. While the structure has been studied in great detail from an architectural perspective, limited studies have been conducte ...
Trajan's Bridge, built by Romans over the Danube River in the first years of the II century, was the first kilometer-long bridge ever built. It was a marvel of Roman engineering, especially taking into account challenging site conditions, available resources and record time for c ...