17 records found
Verkennend ontwerp voor stormvloedkering Houston, Texas
Reconnaissance level studies on a storm surge barrier for flood risk reduction in the Houston-Galveston Bay
Storm surge barrier: overview and design considerations
An integral feasibility study of a new weir in the Lower Rhine
Risk-based asset management of a navigation network
Onderzoek faalkans in kader van kennis voor klimaat: Beantwoording van vragen DP Rijnmond-Drechtstedenn
Climate change and inland waterway transport: Impacts on the sector, the Port of Rotterdam and potential solutions
Old sluices never die, but what about shipping?
Beheer, onderhoud OUK 10
Climate change and inland shipping
PIANC report no. 103 - 2008: life cycle management of port structures. Recommended practice for implementation.
Corrosion aspects in the Port of Rotterdam
Future trends in quay wall design
Programma van eisen OUK03
Beheer, onderhoud en materialen OUK10
Kade van de toekomst. Voor 2030 geoptimaliseerd kadeontwerp.