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A Bos
Academic Work (8)
Conference paper (7)
Journal article (1)
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8 records found
Empirical integrity verification of GNSS and SBAS based on the extreme value theory
Journal article (2014) -
PB Ober (author)
D. Imparato (author)
A.A. Verhagen (author)
AA Verhagen (author)
S. Verhagen (author)
Sandra Verhagen (author)
CCJM Tiberius (author)
Christian Tiberius (author)
C. C.J.M. Tiberius (author)
Christiaan C.J.M. Tiberius (author)
Christiaan Tiberius (author)
C.C.J.M. Tiberius (author)
Christian C.J.M. Tiberius (author)
H Veerman (author)
A van Kleef (author)
F Wokke (author)
A Bos (author)
A Mieremet (author)
A tool for GNSS integrity verification based on statistical extreme value theory
Conference paper (2012) -
H Veerman (author)
A van Kleef (author)
F Wokke (author)
O Ober (author)
Christiaan Tiberius (author)
Christian C.J.M. Tiberius (author)
Christiaan C.J.M. Tiberius (author)
C.C.J.M. Tiberius (author)
C. C.J.M. Tiberius (author)
CCJM Tiberius (author)
Christian Tiberius (author)
A.A. Verhagen (author)
Sandra Verhagen (author)
AA Verhagen (author)
S. Verhagen (author)
A Bos (author)
A Mieremet (author)
Verifying EGNOS integrity in practice: GIMATa tool based on statistical extreme value theory
Conference paper (2012) -
H Veerman (author)
A van Kleef (author)
D. Imparato (author)
Christiaan C.J.M. Tiberius (author)
C. C.J.M. Tiberius (author)
CCJM Tiberius (author)
Christian Tiberius (author)
C.C.J.M. Tiberius (author)
Christiaan Tiberius (author)
Christian C.J.M. Tiberius (author)
AA Verhagen (author)
A.A. Verhagen (author)
Sandra Verhagen (author)
S. Verhagen (author)
B Ober (author)
A Bos (author)
A Mieremet (author)
The MECA project- Ontology-based design of human-machine collaboration in manned space missions
Conference paper (2009) -
L Breebaart (author)
A Bos (author)
T Grant (author)
A Olmedo Soler (author)
J Smets Lindenberg (author)
MA Neerincx (author)
Mark A. Neerincx (author)
Mark Neerincx (author)
M.A. Neerincx (author)
U Brauer (author)
M Wolff (author)
The mission execution crew assistant
Conference paper (2008) -
Mark A. Neerincx (author)
MA Neerincx (author)
M.A. Neerincx (author)
Mark Neerincx (author)
A Bos (author)
A Olmedo Soler (author)
U Brauer (author)
L Breebaart (author)
ESPRIT - A far-infrared space interferometer
Conference paper (2008) -
W Wild (author)
Th de Graauw (author)
VP Koshelets (author)
P Maat (author)
J Noordam (author)
P Roelfsema (author)
L. Venema (author)
N Whyborn (author)
P Yagoubov (author)
A. Baryshev (author)
AM Baryshev (author)
Andrey M. Baryshev (author)
AM Baryshev (author)
A. Baryshev (author)
Andrey M. Baryshev (author)
JJA Baselmans (author)
A Bos (author)
Jian Rong Gao (author)
J. R. Gao (author)
J.R. Gao (author)
Jian Gao (author)
A Gunst (author)
F Helmich (author)
R van der Horst (author)
B. Jackson (author)
A model-based approach to fault diagnosis of embedded systems
Conference paper (2004) -
J Pietersma (author)
A.J.C. van Gemund (author)
AJC van Gemund (author)
A Bos (author)
SCOPE: an intelligent maintenance system for supporting crew operations
Conference paper (2004) -
A Bos (author)
L Breebaart (author)
Mark A. Neerincx (author)
MA Neerincx (author)
M.A. Neerincx (author)
Mark Neerincx (author)
M Wolff (author)