Since the ratification of and commitments made under the COP 21 summit, we have witnessed an increase towards implementing and utilizing renewable technologies in our energy mix. The global cumulative installed wind energy capacity in 2017 surpassed 540 GW, which is an increase
Since the ratification of and commitments made under the COP 21 summit, we have witnessed an increase towards implementing and utilizing renewable technologies in our energy mix. The global cumulative installed wind energy capacity in 2017 surpassed 540 GW, which is an increase of over 173% compared to 2010 levels. At the same time, Solar PV technology has also experienced a significant cost reduction, and the global installed capacity was 500 GW in 2018. Despite rapid development and growth, the overall contribution on the global energy scene is still limited. Fossil fuels still dominates the global energy supply, and are likely to do so in the coming years. This thesis explores the potential upside of considering synergies in the offshore domain, in order to further expand the diffusion of renewable technologies.