F. Torabi Kachousangi

3 records found

Multimodal hubs connect different modes, allowing people to switch from one mode to another and seamlessly access/egress to/from their origin/destinations. However, there are limited methods to estimate the impact of future measures on the accessibility of multimodal hubs. These ...
Emerging access/egress transport modes to and from railway stations may play a vital role in the future performance and usage of public transport. To learn about these modes, their acceptability, and attractiveness, we performed a case study at Delft Campus train station in the N ...

The problem and potential of segregated districts

Urban design and planning principles for more liveable and cohesive segregated districts

The lack of proper planning to address development and rapid formation of cities can lead to social and spatial inequalities, often manifesting as segregation. Segregation in cities arises when residents are divided into different categories in terms of income, religion, race, so ...