N. Jiang
7 records found
AdOx is een combinatie van een adsorptieproces en een oxidatietechniek. Een veelbelovende technologie om medicijnresten uit afvalwater te halen. En winnaar van
de Waterinnovatieprijs 2021, categorie Gezond Water en Gezonde Bodem.@en
de Waterinnovatieprijs 2021, categorie Gezond Water en Gezonde Bodem.@en
It was widely acknowledged that dissolved organic matter (DOM) in natural water has ubiquitous competitiveness against organic micropollutants (OMPs) during adsorption onto activated carbon. However, some (model) low molecular weight organics have been reported to adsorb onto act
One framework type of high-silica zeolite only can effectively remove a limited range of organic micropollutants (OMPs) from water. In order to extend the OMP removal range, different types of high-silica zeolites need to be combined in the adsorption process. In this study, Mord
Adsorption of triclosan, trichlorophenol and phenol by high-silica zeolites
Adsorption efficiencies and mechanisms
High-silica zeolites can be used for adsorption of organic compounds (OCs) from water. The adsorption efficacy could vary with the properties of OCs, as well as the porous and surface features of high-silica zeolites. In this study, the adsorption of triclosan, trichlorophenol (T
The adsorption mechanisms of organic micropollutants on high-silica zeolites causing S-shaped adsorption isotherms
An experimental and Monte Carlo simulation study
The adsorption of organic micropollutants (OMPs) on high-silica zeolites is characterized by adsorption isotherms with various shapes. The occurrence of an S-shaped adsorption isotherm indicates the lack of adsorption affinity for OMPs at low, environmentally relevant equilibrium
A broad range of organic micropollutants (OMPs), including pesticides, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, are present in drinking water sources and effluent of wastewater treatment plants (Kolpin et al., 2002; Stackelberg et al., 2004). The presence of OMPs in water sign
High-silica zeolites have been found to be effective adsorbents for the removal of organic micro-pollutants (OMPs) from impaired water, including various pharmaceuticals, personal care products, industrial chemicals, etc. In this review, the properties and fundamentals of high-si