Joep Crompvoets
32 records found
Exploring Governance Modes in Open Data Initiatives
Insights from France and Ireland
Despite an increasing interest in the strategies to promote open data use in recent years, there has been a substantial lack of empirical and theoretical analysis of the governance modes that favored different types of open data initiatives. To address this gap, this study asks:
Public administrations are increasingly relying on collaboration within inter-organizational networks to coordinate the development and provisioning of integrated digital public services. Collaboration strategies are necessary to focus collaborative efforts, align and prioritize
Different actor roles in inter-organizational digital public services are often neither understood nor acknowledged. This can result in challenges regarding the proper design and result in a lack of adoption of these services. In the literature, there exist various taxonomies out
The implementation of open data policies requires the efforts of many public employees across different levels of government, who may be unaware of the benefits and risks of open data. Serious games have demonstrated potential for training in a professional environment. For this
Towards value-creating and sustainable open data ecosystems
A comparative case study and a research agenda
Current open data systems lag behind in their promised value creation and sustainability. The objective of the current study is twofold: 1) to investigate whether existing open data systems meet the requirements of open data ecosystems, and 2) to develop a research agenda that di
According to open government principles, public administration should make its data available to the public to create transparency, accountability, and to facilitate participation in public decision-making. Open-Data Policies (ODPs) were developed to encourage the opening of gove
Various types of stakeholders are often involved in the process of deciding to open data. However, the influence of multiple–actors on the decision-making process is ill-understood. Stakeholders play different roles and have different interests in opening and analyzing datasets.
Governance Challenges of Inter-organizational Digital Public Services Provisioning
A Case Study on Digital Invoicing Services in Belgium
Governments aim to digitalize public services. Whereas initially they worked in isolation, nowadays they increasingly link different building blocks together to realize integrated public services. This evolution poses challenges concerning the governance of public services. The p
The public expects government institutions to open their data to enable society to reap the benefits of these data. However, governments are often reluctant to disclose their data due to possible disadvantages. These disadvantages, at the same time, can be circumstances by proces
3D geo-information innovation in Europe's public mapping agencies
A public value perspective
Intensifying and increasingly complex physical developments under, on, and above ground, as well as the speed and accessibility of digital innovation, is resulting in growing interest in public sector investment in 3D geo-information. In Europe, a consortium of 11 public mapping
This book is about open data, i.e. data that does not have any barriers in the (re)use. Open data aims to optimize access, sharing and using data from a technical, legal, financial, and intellectual perspective. Data increasingly determines the way people live their lives today.
The effective development and implementation of open data initiatives
requires governance in order to avoid gaps, duplications, contradictions and missed opportunities. Appropriate governance instruments should be established to coordinate the activities and contributions of diff
Open government data initiatives result in the expectation of having open data available. Nevertheless, some potential risks like sensitivity, privacy, ownership, misinterpretation, and misuse of the data result in the reluctance of governments to open their data. At this moment,
Governments are releasing their data to the public to accomplish benefits like the creation of transparency, accountability, citizen engagement and to enable business innovation. At the same time, decision-makers are reluctant to open their data due to some potential risks like m
The effective development and implementation of spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) requires governance in order to avoid gaps, duplications, contradictions and missed opportunities in the implementation of different SDI components. Appropriate governance instruments should be es
Open data portals as part of the open data ecosystem?
Lessons learned from geoportal research
Many countries and also cities have their own open data portal, which provide geographic data that can be used even by citizens. One of the current challenges is to satisfy user needs to ensure that the data that is provided through the portal is
actually used. This paper provide
Blueprint for the STIG1.0
Setting the performance indicators
Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) have been developed over the last decades all over the world. SDI is the integration of several components to create a platform which enables a wide variety of stakeholders to access, share and use spatial data in an efficient and effective way
Integrated Real Estate Registration and Chinese NSDI to Strengthen the Government Spatial Data Management
Spatial Enablement in the Smart Homeland
The China Government enacted the Provisional Regulations on Real Estate Registration (RER) in July 2015. These regulations were in full operation from the beginning of 2016. In this context, real estate refers to land, sea, houses, trees and other fixed objects which have spatial