G. Vancauwenberghe
20 records found
Towards value-creating and sustainable open data ecosystems
A comparative case study and a research agenda
Current open data systems lag behind in their promised value creation and sustainability. The objective of the current study is twofold: 1) to investigate whether existing open data systems meet the requirements of open data ecosystems, and 2) to develop a research agenda that di
Governing Open Spatial Data Infrastructures
The Case of the United Kingdom
In order to facilitate and coordinate the sharing of spatial data, governments worldwide have been developing Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) for many years. Recently, technological, institutional and societal developments have caused these SDIs to shift towards more open inf
AMS E-GOS Governance modellen van open data bij gemeenten en de performantie van open data
AMS E-GOS Local Deliverable D4.2
Onderzoek AMS E-GOS Local Governance modellen van open data bij gemeenten en de performatie van open data.
In 2017 is het Kenniscentrum Open Data begonnen met het project ‘Effective Governance of Open Spatial data’ (E-GOS) Local. Het E-GOS Local onderzoeksproject was een uitbrei
The effective development and implementation of spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) requires governance in order to avoid gaps, duplications, contradictions and missed opportunities in the implementation of different SDI components. Appropriate governance instruments should be es
This book is about open data, i.e. data that does not have any barriers in the (re)use. Open data aims to optimize access, sharing and using data from a technical, legal, financial, and intellectual perspective. Data increasingly determines the way people live their lives today.
With the launch of a national data portal, the development of a national
open data licence and the publication of various policy reports and action plans on open data, all in 2010, the United Kingdom took several major steps in implementing its open data agenda. In the following
Exploring the Emergence of Open Spatial Data Infrastructures
Analysis of Recent Developments and Trends in Europe
In the past 20 years, European public authorities have invested considerable resources in the development of spatial data infrastructures. With the European INSPIRE Directive as an important driver, national spatial data infrastructures were developed throughout Europe to facilit
The effective development and implementation of open data initiatives
requires governance in order to avoid gaps, duplications, contradictions and missed opportunities. Appropriate governance instruments should be established to coordinate the activities and contributions of diff
Towards a Map of Open SDI/INSPIRE
Workshop Report
In the search for the ideal spatial data infrastructure a common ground has been established for the development of open spatial data infrastructures. Starting from confidential, highly restricted data with use limited to particular public sector users, SDIs across Europe have de
In the past 30 years, public administrations in Europe and worldwide have invested considerable resources in the development and implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) for promoting, facilitating and coordinating the exchange and sharing of geographic data. SDI res
Assessing the Openness of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI)
Towards a Map of Open SDI
This paper introduces the Open Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Assessment Framework as a new approach for assessing the openness of SDIs. Open SDIs are SDIs in which non-government actors such as businesses, citizens, researchers and non-profit organizations can contribute to t
Open data assessment is about collecting, analysing and providing information on the performance of open data initiatives. Open data assessments are used to monitor the progress of open data initiatives, compare and benchmark the
performance of different organizations or countrie
Performance Measurement of Location Enabled e-Government Processes
A Case Study on Traffic Safety Monitoring
Governance and performance of open spatial data policies in the context of INSPIRE
Understanding the need for alignment
Many European countries are setting up initiatives and taking actions to make their data ‘open’, i.e. to make data freely available for use and re-use without restrictions. The presentation provides an analysis of how European member states are dealing with both the governance of
Performance Measurement of Location Enabled e-Government Processes
A Use Case on Traffic Safety Monitoring
The European Union Location Framework (EULF), as part of the Interoperable Solutions for European Public Administrations (ISA) Programme of the EU (EC DG DIGIT), aims to enhance the interactions between governments, businesses and citizens by embedding location information into e
Governance and performance of open spatial data policies in Europe
What can we learn from the INSPIRE Reporting Process?
Many European countries are setting up initiatives and taking actions to make their data ‘open’, i.e. to make their data freely available for use and re-use without restrictions. The Digital Agenda for Europe, the first of seven flagships initiatives under Europe 2020, encourages
This presentation reviews the ongoing governance efforts of National Member States of the European Union to successfully implement INSPIRE. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to establish a measure of governance between the users and providers of the information so that in
This presentation reviews the ongoing governance efforts of the European Union and its National Member States to create a multinational infrastructure for spatial information in the European Community (INSPIRE)(Commission of the European Communities, 2007). In order to achieve th