Aircraft inspections after unexpected incidents, like lightning strikes, currently require a timeconsuming and costly inspection process, due to the small size of the lightning strike damages. Mainblades Inspections is working on an automated, drone-based solution, that scans the
Aircraft inspections after unexpected incidents, like lightning strikes, currently require a timeconsuming and costly inspection process, due to the small size of the lightning strike damages. Mainblades Inspections is working on an automated, drone-based solution, that scans the aircraft hull with a high-resolution camera. The objective of this project is to assess the
feasibility of using a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for (semi-)automated damage detection, with the goal of achieving a high recall (low False Negative Rate (FNR)) on the small damages. The problem is framed as a classification problem on limited and imbalanced data. However, it is not pre-defined if single-label or multi-label classification should be used,
and both approaches are investigated.
The main contribution of this work is to show experimentally how common deep CNN architectures and Deep Learning practices can be used to train classifiers that recognize damages in a specialized domain, with application-specific metrics. We present methods for synthesizing, pre-processing and re-sampling of the necessary dataset. It is shown that pre-trained, parameter-efficient CNN architectures that implement skip-connections, complemented by
global max-pooling before the final layer, are well suited for that dataset. The Xception architecture has been chosen as backbone for the classifier due to its high recall and fast convergence. To mitigate the detrimental influence of imbalanced training data, training data re-sampling that equalizes the class distribution is implemented. It has a positive effect recall, especially
when applied to multi-label classification. When using re-sampling and data augmentation, the performance of multi-label and single-label classification can be brought to the same level. However, the best achieved FNR is 5.4%, with a softmax classifier, combining all regularization methods.
Finally, we investigated how regularization can be used to increase generalization capability with limited training data. Data augmentation is the most effective regularization method, even though its full potential has not been explored yet. Dropout benefits single-label classification
but not multi-label classification. L2-regularization has a moderate positive effect on both. Naively combining the regularization techniques without an exhaustive grid search or automated search on average does not yield any additional gains and shows the limit of manual hyper-parameter tuning.