Jaap van Kooten
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Multimodal Network Management
How to get there?
Nowadays traffic management is a complex task. Policy choices have to be made and operational decisions have to be taken on how to deal with car, trucks, busses, bicycles and pedestrians in the network and how to keep them safe and flowing, especially where they interact. Without
Welke eisen moet je aan verkeersdata stellen, wil je weggebruikers effectief kunnen informeren en sturen? Die vraag blijkt niet een-twee-drie te beantwoorden, zeker niet in regionaal verband. Reden voor het samenwerkingsverband Regionaal Verkeersmanagement Midden-Nederland om er
The Amsterdam Practical Trial (APT) is a multiyear program initiated by the Dutch Ministry of Transport and the Environment and is carried out in close cooperation by Rijkswaterstaat, the City of Amsterdam, the Province of North Holland, and the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region. The