Fuad Aleskerov

17 records found

New centrality measures in networks

How to take into account the parameters of the nodes and group influence of nodes to nodes

Over the last number of years there has been a growing interest in the analysis of complex networks which describe a wide range of real-world systems in nature and society. Identification of the central elements in such networks is one of the key research areas. Solutions to this ...
Tornado prediction variables are analyzed using machine learning and decision analysis techniques. A model based on several choice procedures and the superposition principle is applied for different methods of data analysis. The constructed model has been tested on a database of ...
Since 9/11, terrorism has become a global issue of the twenty-first century. Terrorist organizations become important actors of world politics as they gain influence on political process and decision-making. Some organizations compete with each other in order to gain more power a ...
The paper examines the choice problem when the total number of observations and criteria is too large. There are many different procedures, which are used for decision-making process under multiple criteria; however, most of them cannot be applied to large datasets due to their c ...
We propose a novel method to estimate the level of interconnectedness of a financial institution or system, as the measures currently suggested in the literature do not fully take into consideration an important aspect of interconnectedness - group interactions of agents. Our app ...
We consider an application of long-range interaction centrality (LRIC) to the problem of the influence assessment in the global retail food network. Firstly, we reconstruct an initial graph into the graph of directed intensities based on individual node’s characteristics and poss ...
As a result of the climate change the situation in Arctic area leads to several important consequences. On the one hand, fossil fuels can be exploited much easier than before. On the other hand, their excavation leads to serious potential threats to fishing by changing natural ha ...
We propose a model that evaluates how much a network has changed over time in terms of its structure and a set of central elements. The difference of structure is evaluated in terms of node-to-node influence using known nodes correspondence models. To analyze the changes in nodes ...
The Arctic region is one of the most sensitive and vulnerable to climate change. The dramatic melting of Arctic ice has several negative consequences for the whole ecosystem as well as for a way of life of native people but it also creates new opportunities for the region. First, ...
Using network approach, we propose a new method of identifying key food exporters based on the long-range (LRIC) and short-range interaction indices (SRIC). These indices allow to detect several groups of economies with direct as well as indirect influence on the routes of differ ...
We consider an application of power indices, which take into account preferences of agents for coalition formation proposed for an analysis of power distribution in elected bodies to reveal most powerful (central) nodes in networks. These indices take into account the parameters ...
Our study employs the network approach to the problem of international migration. During the last years, migration has attracted a lot of attention and has been examined from many points of view. However, very few studies considered it from the network perspective. The internatio ...
The problem of quick detection of central nodes in large networks is studied. There are many measures that allow to evaluate a topological importance of nodes of the network. Unfortunately, most of them cannot be applied to large networks due to their high computational complexit ...

From equality to diversity

Classifying Russian universities in a performance oriented system

Over the last few decades, performance-based funding models of universities have been introduced and have made universities build and implement different strategies to enable them to compete and be viable in changing circumstances. In turn, national governments are focused on pro ...
The work is related to the detection of key international and Russian economic journals in cross-citation networks. A list of international journals and information on their cross-citations were taken from Web of Science (WoS) database while information on Russian journals was ta ...
Over the past decades due to increasing economic pressure and rising demands by government and society, the organizational landscape of higher education is changing while university activities become more diversified. The focus of public support is shifting from funding current a ...
The paper examines a choice problem in case of large number of alternatives characterized by a set of criteria. Very often existing choice procedures cannot be used due to their computational complexity. In contrast, the approach proposed in this paper utilizes a set of easy to u ...