Natalia Meshcheryakova

6 records found

New centrality measures in networks

How to take into account the parameters of the nodes and group influence of nodes to nodes

Over the last number of years there has been a growing interest in the analysis of complex networks which describe a wide range of real-world systems in nature and society. Identification of the central elements in such networks is one of the key research areas. Solutions to this ...
We consider an application of long-range interaction centrality (LRIC) to the problem of the influence assessment in the global retail food network. Firstly, we reconstruct an initial graph into the graph of directed intensities based on individual node’s characteristics and poss ...
Power evaluation in networks has been studied by many scientists. The problem has been usually considered from different areas as the problem of decision making by a group of agents, the problem of epidemic spreading, etc. Based on the intuition that a node becomes affected if it ...
We consider an application of power indices, which take into account preferences of agents for coalition formation proposed for an analysis of power distribution in elected bodies to reveal most powerful (central) nodes in networks. These indices take into account the parameters ...
Our study employs the network approach to the problem of international migration. During the last years, migration has attracted a lot of attention and has been examined from many points of view. However, very few studies considered it from the network perspective. The internatio ...
The problem of quick detection of central nodes in large networks is studied. There are many measures that allow to evaluate a topological importance of nodes of the network. Unfortunately, most of them cannot be applied to large networks due to their high computational complexit ...