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8 records found

The frequency response describes the steady-state behavior of a control system to sinusoidal inputs across varying frequencies and serves as an effective tool for system design. In closed-loop reset control systems, frequency response analysis reveals two distinct scenarios: syst ...
Reset controllers have demonstrated their effectiveness in enhancing performance in precision motion systems. To further exploiting the potential of reset controllers, this study introduces a parallel-partial reset control structure. Frequency response analysis is effective for t ...

Frequency response analysis for reset control systems

Application to predict precision of motion systems

The frequency response analysis describes the steady-state responses of a system to sinusoidal inputs at different frequencies, providing control engineers with an effective tool for designing control systems in the frequency domain. However, conducting this analysis for closed-l ...
Reset controllers have demonstrated their efficacy in enhancing transient responses, such as the overshoot and response time in motion control systems. Designing these systems to meet specific transient requirements requires a method for analyzing transient responses. However, th ...
Current reset elements mainly rely on the traditional zero-crossing resetting mechanism. This study introduces a reset element with a new resetting mechanism that distributes multiple resets within a single period for reset controllers with sinusoidal reference inputs. This new c ...
This work proposes a novel nonlinear Proportional-Integral (PI) controller, which utilizes a generalized first-order reset element. The proposed element can achieve similar magnitude-characteristics as its linear counterpart but with less phase lag at the open-loop crossover freq ...
Reset control systems have possessed the potential to meet the demands of machines, such as faster response times, improved disturbance rejection and enhanced tracking performance. However, prior research on the analysis and design of reset controllers has been restricted to the ...
In this paper, we introduce a new representation for open-loop reset systems. We show that at steady-state a reset integrator can be modelled as a parallel interconnection of the base-linear system and piece-wise constant nonlinearity. For sinusoidal input signals, this nonlinear ...