C. Teruna
14 records found
High-fidelity numerical simulations have been performed to investigate the noise reduction capability of porous leading-edge treatments for mitigating rotor-stator interaction noise in a full-scale aircraft model. The aircraft model consists of the NASA High-Lift Common Research
Aerodynamic Noise Reduction with Porous Materials
Aeroacoustics Investigations and Applications
Public annoyances due to noise emission in aviation and wind energy sectors are expected to become more severe in the near future with increasing number of civilian flights and wind turbine installations. Such trend demands for deeper investigations into the noise generation mech
This manuscript presents the application of a recently developed noise reduction technology, constituted by poro-serrated stator blades on a full-scale aircraft model, in order to reduce rotor-stator interaction noise in the fan stage. This study was carried out using the commerc
A lattice-Boltzmann method has been employed to study the aeroacoustics and aerodynamics of airfoils equipped with leading edge treatments, namely the porous leading edge and leading edge serrations. The present study aims to identify the differences in noise reduction mechanisms
Lattice Boltzmann simulations were carried out to investigate the noise mitigation mechanisms of a 3-D printed porous trailing-edge insert, elucidating the link between noise reduction and material permeability. The porous insert is based on a unit cell resembling a lattice of di
This manuscript presents a numerical investigation of an open-cell 3D-printed perme-able/porous insert used to reduce turbulent boundary layer-trailing edge (TBL-TE) noise. The matrix topology of the insert resembles the lattice of diamond atoms, and thus, it is also referred to
Porous materials have been widely investigated as a mean for noise reduction. Numerical simulations can be used to investigate the physical mechanisms responsible for noise reduction; however, a correct modeling of the porous medium through an equivalent fluid model is essential
Numerical simulations, using a lattice-Boltzmann technique, have been carried out to study the effect of aerodynamic loading and Reynolds number on the aeroacoustics of a porous trailing-edge insert. The airfoil is a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 0018 with the last
Abstract: The flow field on solid and porous airfoils subjected to turbulence shed by an upstream cylindrical rod and the corresponding far-field noise radiations are studied through particle image velocimetry (PIV) and microphone measurements, respectively. Three different Reyno
Open-cell porous materials have been reported as a promising concept for mitigating turbulent boundary-layer trailing-edge noise. This manuscript examines the aeroacoustics of a porous trailing edge to study its noise reduction mechanisms. Numerical investigations have been carri
This manuscript presents a rod-linear cascade model for emulating rotor-stator interaction noise. The model is intended as a test platform for studying noise mitigation techniques for a turbofan fan stage, while it also extends the classical rod-airfoil configuration by consideri
This manuscript presents a numerical investigation of the turbulent boundary layer-trailing edge (TBL-TE) noise reduction with an open-cell porous material. The implementation of the porous media is verified by emulating a facility for characterizing the flow resistivity of the p
The present work is aimed at assessing leading-edge serrations as an airfoil turbulenceimpingement noise (TIN) reduction mean. It relies on extended anechoic wind-tunnel testing including far-field measurements over an observation sphere to infer the three-dimensional features of
The rod-airfoil configuration has been widely used to gain more insights into turbulence impingement noise in aeroengines, such as periodic fan wake impingement onto outlet guide vane (OGV). To this scope, this paper investigates a linear cascade model, which replicates the basel