A. Moreno Rodenas

14 records found

The accumulation of sediments in stormwater systems negatively affects their functioning. For example, the re-suspension of these sediments can lead to serious pollution of surface water bodies through combined sewer overflows (CSOs). In addition, the persistent accumulation of s ...
The adoption of increasingly restrictive water quality standards is directed to maintain natural ecosystems in a good status. Complying with such standards requires significant investments in water infrastructure and operations. Consequently, mathematical simulation is usually ap ...
This paper aims to stimulate discussion based on the experiences derived from the QUICS project (Quantifying Uncertainty in Integrated Catchment Studies). First it briefly discusses the current state of knowledge on uncertainties in sub-models of integrated catchment models and t ...
Receiving water quality simulation in highly urbanised areas requires the integration of several processes occurring at different space-time scales. These integrated catchment models deliver results with a significant uncertainty level associated. Still, uncertainty analysis is s ...
Vortices are a very common phenomenon to consider in many hydraulic engineering problems, e.g. when designing pump sumps or intake works for turbines. Until now, the focus is on avoiding the development of vortices because of induction of cavitation and air entrainment by a fully ...
Under drought stress, Phytoseiulus persimilis females are able to lay drought-resistant eggs through an adaptive maternal effect. The mechanisms making these eggs drought resistant still remain to be investigated. For this purpose, we studied the physiological differences between ...
Environmental models often contain parameters, which are not measurable, yet conceptual descriptions of some physical process. The value of such parameters is often derived by measuring internal state model variables in the system and indirectly tuning/calibrating the value of th ...
The description of intertwined ecological processes in surface waters requires a holistic approach that accounts for spatially distributed hydrological/water quality processes. This study describes a new approach to model dissolved oxygen (DO) based on linked hydrodynamic and clo ...
Water quality environmental assessment often requires the joint simulation of several subsystems (e.g. wastewater treatment processes, urban drainage and receiving water bodies). The complexity of these integrated catchment models grows fast, leading to potentially over-parameter ...
This work presents a method to emulate the flow dynamics of physically based hydrodynamic simulators under variations of time-dependent rainfall and parametric scenarios. Although surrogate modelling is often employed to deal with the computational burden of this type of simulato ...
In urban hydrological models, rainfall is the main input and one of the main sources of uncertainty. To reach sufficient spatial coverage and resolution, the integration of several rainfall data sources, including rain gauges and weather radars, is often necessary. The uncertaint ...
A methodology is presented which can be used in the evaluation of parametric uncertainty in urban flooding simulation. Due to the fact that such simulations are time consuming, the following methodology is proposed: (a) simplification of the description of the physical process; ( ...
Integrated Catchment Modelling aims to simulate jointly urban drainage systems, wastewater treatment plant and rivers. The effect of rainfall input uncertainties in the modelling of individual urban drainage systems has been discussed in several studies already. However, this inf ...
This study addresses the effect of spatial and temporal resolution of rainfall fields on the performance of a simplified integrated catchment model for predicting dissolved oxygen concentrations in a river. For that purpose we propose a procedure to generate rainfall products wit ...