63 records found
Impedance of Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers at Terahertz Frequencies
IF impedance and mixer gain of NbN hot electron bolometers
Influence of the direct response on the heterodyne sensitivity of hot electron bolometer mixers
Phase-locking of a two-mode THz quantum cascade laser.
Full characterization and analysis of a terahertz heterodyne receiver based on a NbN hot electron bolometer
Phase locking and spectral linewidth of a two-mode terahertz quantum cascade laser
Stability of heterodyne terahertz receivers
Antenna Model for Terahertz Cascade Wire Lasers.
Development of high-Q superconducting resonators for use as kinetic inductance sensing elements¿, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research
NbN hot electron bolometer mixers: Sensitivity, LO power, direct detection and stability
IF Impedance and Mixer Gain of Phonon Cooled Hot-Electron Bolometers and the Perrin-Vanneste Two Temperature Model
Terahertz heterodyne receiver based on a quantum cascade laser and a superconducting bolometer
Direct detection effect in small volume hot electron bolometer mixers
Improved superconducting hot-electron bolometer devices for the THz range
Low noise NbN superconducting hot electron bolometer mixers at 1.9 and 2.5 THz
Doubling of sensitivity and bandwidth in phonon cooled hot electron bolometer mixers
Noise performance of NbN hot electron bolometer mixers at 2.5 THz and its dependence on the contact resistance
NbN hot electron bolometer mixers with superior performance for space applications
Hot electron superconducting detector using a double barrier junction