191 records found
EDHA for Energy Production, Storage and Conversion Devices
Monodispere water microdroplets generated by electrohydrodynamic atomization in the simple-jet mode
Out-scaling electrohydrodynamic atomization systems for the production of well-defined droplets
Analysis and optimization of evaporation in electrospay desalination (MSc: P&E-2412)
Reverse movement and coalescence of water microdroplets in electrohydrodynamic atomization
Renewable energy liberation by nonthermal intermolecular bond dissociation in water and ethanol
Modeling a bipolar-coagulation reactor using coupled population balances
Producing pharmaceutical particles via elektrospraying with an emphasis on nano and nano structured particles - a review
Electrospray with the siphon phenomena
Overview and discussion
Improvement in nanofiber filtration by multiple thin layers of nanofiber mats
EHDA - a preferred method for producing nano and nano structured pharmaceutical particles
Total and partial coalescence of bouncing water droplets in electrohydrodynamic
Pilot scale production of silicon nanoparticles by a laser pyrolysis process
Volume of liquid deposited per single event electrospraying controlled by nozzle front surface modification
Silicon nano-particles: production and application to novel Li-ion battery negative electrodes
Improved design of multi-electrospray unit with circular symmetry
Single event electrospraying of water
Phenomenology of salt water electrosprays