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ARHF Ettema
Academic Work (19)
Book chapter (1)
Journal article (15)
Report (3)
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19 records found
Surface relaxations in quantum-confined Pb
Journal article (2005) -
A Mans (author)
JH Dil (author)
ARHF Ettema (author)
HH Weitering (author)
An investigation of amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-C:H) coatings using x-ray reflectivity and scratch testing
Journal article (2004) -
F Rabbani (author)
RF Staakman (author)
ARHF Ettema (author)
Dipole-allowed generation of the yellow-series excitons in Cu2O due to an applied electric field
Journal article (2003) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
J Versluis (author)
Li2CsSb: A highly-efficient photocathode material
Journal article (2003) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
Quantum electronic stability and spectroscopy of ultrathin Pb films on Si(111) 7X7
Journal article (2002) -
A Mans (author)
JH Dil (author)
ARHF Ettema (author)
Electronic structure of Cs2KSb and K2CsSb
Journal article (2002) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
R.A. de Groot (author)
Photoemission spectroscopy study of the charge accumulation at the K3Sb:Cs surface.
Journal article (2000) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
CF Murtagh (author)
HI Starnberg (author)
Resonant Absorption Effects in the diffraction of low energy electrons.
Journal article (2000) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
A Mans (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
Electronic Structure of Na3Sb and NA2KSb.
Journal article (2000) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
R.A. de Groot (author)
Photemission Spectroscopy study of a multi-alkali Photocathode.
Journal article (2000) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
Photoemission spectroscopy study of a multi alkali photocathode.
Report (1999) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
Resonant Absorption Effects in the diffraction of low energy electrons.
Journal article (1999) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
A Mans (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
Bandstructure calculations of the cubic and hexagonal phase of K3Sb.
Journal article (1999) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
R.A. de Groot (author)
Lu2S3:Ce3+, a new red luminescing scintillator
Journal article (1998) -
J.C. van 't Spijker (author)
Pieter Dorenbos (author)
CP Allier (author)
CWE van Eijk (author)
ARHF Ettema (author)
WH Huber (author)
Electronic structure and epitaxial growth of alkali-antimonide layers
Report (1998) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
Physical and crystallographic properties of alkali antimonides
Report (1997) -
ARHF Ettema (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
The structure of sulphur adsorption phases on Ni(111) studied by x-ray standing wavefield absorption
Journal article (1996) -
J Lüdecke (author)
ARHF Ettema (author)
SM Drivar (author)
G Scragg (author)
M Kerkar (author)
DP Woodruff (author)
BCC Cowie (author)
RG Jones (author)
S Baslow (author)
Strain structures in nanoscale germanium hut clusters on Si(001) studied by X-ray diffraction
Journal article (1996) -
AJ Steinfort (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
RL Johson (author)
ARHF Ettema (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
M Nielsen (author)
E Landemark (author)
DM Smilgies (author)
R Feidenhans'l (author)
G Falkenberg (author)
L Seehofer (author)
The internal strain structure of Ge hut clusters on Si(001), studied by X-ray diffraction
Book chapter (1996) -
AJ Steinfort (author)
PMLO Scholte (author)
RL Johnson (author)
ARHF Ettema (author)
F. Tuinstra (author)
M Nielsen (author)
E Landemark (author)
DM Smilgies (author)
R Feidenhans'l (author)
G Falkenberg (author)
L Seehofer (author)