The fascination started with the idea that a street is a gettering place for everyone. It is an open space where everybody can come and where people can meet and interact with each other. But is the street designed as a place for interaction? Or is it intended to get from one pla
The fascination started with the idea that a street is a gettering place for everyone. It is an open space where everybody can come and where people can meet and interact with each other. But is the street designed as a place for interaction? Or is it intended to get from one place to the other? Is the street a logistical way of working, to structure the city and the flow of people? Research has been done about the street, what is a street, and how do we experience a street? To create a better understanding of how streets are designed different street typologies around the world are analyzed. The exciting part about the streets is that they are everywhere, they already designed in a certain way during medieval times. Everage cities exist 1/3 out of streets. Can we see the street still as a public space, or is it occupied by the car? Looking at Rotterdam, 75% of the public space exists of streets, and are mainly occupied by vehicles. So what if we can see the street again as a public space, rather than a place for movement. This research focuses on how the connection between houses and the place for social interaction can increase in the street in relation to the built environment. The research question for this paper: How can the street become a public space through the design of a building? The research question will be tested in Rotterdam city center. Rotterdam is after the bombing design in a car-oriented way, which makes the topic very interesting. Besides of urbanization the big cities becomes denser and denser, this also includes Rotterdam. So the city needs to extend to household all those people. What you can see in Rotterdam is that the centre of the city is slowly moving more to the south. The city’s municipality created a high-rise strategy that will make it possible to house 50.000 more people/houses in the future. But through so, the number of buildings in the center is increasing and the amount of public space decreases. Streets are playing a significant role in the design of the of new households, and to keep the city livable. To test the research question through the design of a building, a specific location in Rotterdam’s center is chosen, called the Kop van Zuid. Through analyzing streets around the world and researching the different aspects of the street. Three main ambitions are defined, which will play an essential role in this project: designing a place for social interaction, establishing a human scale in the city center, and creating a connection between the street and the building.