6 records found


Single-molecule fluorescence imaging experiments generally require sub-nanomolar protein concentrations to isolate single protein molecules, which makes such experiments challenging in live cells due to high intracellular protein concentrations. Here, we show that single-molec ...

The nuclear pore complex (NPC) regulates the selective transport of large biomolecules through the nuclear envelope. As a model system for nuclear transport, we construct NPC mimics by functionalizing the pore walls of freestanding palladium zero-mode waveguides with the FG-nu ...

In this thesis, we have introduced palladium zero-mode waveguides (Pd ZMWs) as a valuable tool for biophysics research and have showcased several applications thereof. We started by using them as single-molecule sensors for free translocations of fluorophores, proteins, and volta ...

Holes in metal films do not allow the propagation of light if the wavelength is much larger than the hole diameter, establishing such nanopores as so-called zero-mode waveguides (ZMWs). Molecules, on the other hand, can still pass through these holes. We use this to detect ind ...


Palladium zero-mode waveguides for optical single-molecule detection with nanopores (Nanotechnology (2021) 32 (18LT01) DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/abd976)

Due to an error in panel (d), figure A4 should be revised as shown.


Cytoplasmic flows are an ubiquitous feature of biological systems, in particular in large cells, such as oocytes and eggs in early animal development. Here we show that cytoplasmic flows in starfish oocytes, which can be imaged well with transmission light microscopy, are full ...