Bernd Lottermoser

5 records found

Haul truck driving remains to be the most dangerous occupation in the mining industry (Kecojevic et al., 2007), leading in fatalities over other occupations in the mining industry. As the transition to autonomous haul trucks over the coming decades will not address thisproblem to ...
This thesis investigates the impact of truck electrification systems on CO2 emissions and financial aspects in mining. Through comprehensive simulations, the study analyses diesel-electric trucks with trolley assist as well as battery-electric variants with trolley assist and sta ...

Simulation of an underground cut and fill mine

A simulation approach using SimMine to determine the systems bottlenecks and the added value of additional miners in the production shift

The case study consist of a small underground mine with a small mining crew. The vehicle park is relatively large, and therefore it is necessary to establish the added value of additional miners or equipment for short-term production planning purposes, assuming that staff size cu ...
The current plan of bottom to top bottom sublevel stoping for the Kearney gold vein at the Cavanacaw mine, Omagh, Northern Ireland may not be the most effective in terms of stability. The Kearney ore body is a narrow vein gold deposit, which has been previously exploited through ...
Since 1918 AkzoNobel produces salt by means of solution mining from the bedded Triassic Röt Evaporite deposit in the eastern part of the Netherlands. In this technique water is pumped into the rock salt layer through a well and dissolves the halite in situ. Subsequently the brine ...