36 records found

To address the safety management issues of oil depots in case of earthquakes, firstly, seismic resilience is defined as the ability of oil depots to maintain their storage functions in terms of resisting earthquake damage, mitigating secondary disasters, adapting to environments ...
Pool fire is a typical example of fire accidents in chemical process industries. Since fire researchers have implemented a variety of measurements to gain insights into pool fire and to prevent fire disasters, there is a need to illustrate how pool fire models influence the risk ...
In a coupled domino effect, hazardous scenarios such as toxic release, VCE, and fire can simultaneously or sequentially occur. Chapters 2 and 3 only consider domino effects that are caused by fire or VCE. Therefore, this study develops a dynamic method called “Dynamic Graph Monte ...
Since the 1990s, domino effects have obtained increasing attention in the process and chemical industry. This chapter reviews the research on the assessment and management of domino effects. This chapter first summarizes the definitions, characteristics, and classifications of do ...
Chemical process industries are threatened with accidental and intentional adverse events because of the storage and operation of large quantities of hazardous substances. Safety and security barriers play important roles in protecting the chemical plants from safety and security ...
Vapor cloud explosion (VCE) accidents such as the Jaipur explosion in 2005 manifest that VCEs may lead to unpredicted overpressures, resulting in catastrophic domino effects. Many attempts have been made to assess VCEs and the subsequent domino effects in the process and chemical ...
An accident within a chemical plant may trigger escalation effects, leading to a catastrophic degradation of operating performance. Due to possible severe consequences of domino effects, safety and security measures are needed to prevent and mitigate domino effects in chemical in ...
This book introduces three domino effect models that can be used for risk assessment of both intentional domino effects and unintentional domino effects. Based on these risk assessment models, three chapters on domino effect management are provided to prevent and mitigate domino ...
Domino effects may be induced by both intentional and unintentional threats. To deal with possible intentional and unintentional domino effects, this chapter develops an integrated safety and security management framework. First, safety and security management principles are intr ...
We witness many severe accidents in different sectors worldwide every year, resulting in fatalities, injuries, environmental pollution, property loss, etc. Safety management aims to use interventions to prevent these undesired events and thus avoid different kinds of loss. Variou ...
Data uncertainties caused by the lack of knowledge and nature variation or randomness present vital challenges to domino effects modelling. To improve the assessment of the propagation probabilities and consequences of the domino-effect accidents, the influence of various types o ...
To objectively grasp the current situation and development trend of resilient cities or communities (RC) research. The articles in Web of Science (WOS) Core Collection databases from 1995 to 2022 were used as a sample, and bibliometrics was used to statistically analyze the year ...

Safety barriers in the chemical process industries

A state-of-the-art review on their classification, assessment, and management

Barriers are used in various forms to assure the safety of chemical plants. A deep understanding of the literature related to safety barriers is essential to tackle the challenges in improving their design and management. This paper first provides an overview of the history of th ...
Fires are the most common scenarios in domino effect accidents, responsible for most of the domino effects that occurred in the process and chemical industry. The escalation induced by fire is delayed since the build-up of heat radiation needs time. As a result, a fire-induced do ...
In light of possible severe consequences of unintentional and intentional domino effects, an integrated domino effect management framework was introduced in Chap. 5 to prevent and mitigate domino effect risk. In this chapter, an economic approach based on safety economics is deve ...
The economic issues of risk play an indispensable role in the decision-making process with respect to safety and security management since companies usually face budget limitations. This chapter introduces an economic approach to tackle intentional domino effects in chemical indu ...

Safety and security of oil and gas pipeline transportation

A systematic analysis of research trends and future needs using WoS

The terrorist attack on the Abqaiq oil plant in Saudi Arabia on September 14, 2019 attracted global attention to the significant role of safety and security in the sustainable oil and gas supply chain and the vulnerability of supply infrastructures subject to intentional and unin ...
A disruption to hazardous (flammable, explosive, and toxic) material (HAZMAT) storage plants may trigger escalation effects, resulting in more severe storage performance losses and making the performance restoration more difficult. The disruption, such as an intentional attack, m ...

Operational safety economics

Foundations, current approaches and paths for future research

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the trade-off between economics and epidemic prevention (safety) has become painfully clear worldwide. This situation thus highlights the significance of balancing the economy with safety and health. Safety economics, considering the interdep ...