H. Bijl
235 records found
Large eddy simulation with energy-conserving schemes and the smagorinsky model
A note on accuracy and computational efficiency
Despite advances in turbulence modelling, the Smagorinsky model remains a popular choice for large eddy simulation (LES) due to its simplicity and ease of use. The dissipation in turbulence energy that the model introduces, is proportional to the Smagorinsky constant, of which ma
This paper presents the experimental and numerical study on MEXICO wind turbine blades. Previous work by other researchers shows that large deviations exist in the loads comparison between numerical predictions and experimental data for the rotating MEXICO wind turbine. To reduce
Vortex generators (VGs) are a widely used means of flow control, and predictions of their influence are vital for efficient designs. However, accurate CFD simulations of their effect on the flow field by means of a body fitted mesh are computationally expensive. Therefore the BAY
Radial Basis Function (RBF) mesh deformation is one of the most robust mesh deformation methods available. Using the greedy (data reduction) method in combination with an explicit boundary correction, results in an efficient method as shown in literature. However, to ensure the m
A robust and efficient dynamic grid strategy based on an overset grid coupled with mesh deformation technique is proposed for simulating unsteady flow of flapping wings undergoing large geometrical displacement. The dynamic grid method was implemented using a hierarchical unstruc
In this article, we endeavour to find a fast solver for finite volume discretizations for compressible unsteady viscous flows. Thereby, we concentrate on comparing the efficiency of important classes of time integration schemes, namely time adaptive Rosenbrock, singly diagonally
High computational cost associated with the high fidelity wake models such as RANS or LES serves as a primary bottleneck to perform a direct high fidelity wind farm layout optimization (WFLO) using accurate CFD based wake models. Therefore, a surrogate based multi-fidelity WFLO m