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R. Ubarevičienė

31 records found

The Russian minority in the Baltic capitals

Examining marginalisation in the context of urban dynamics

This chapter examines the evolving societal status of the Russian minority amid the transforming urban spaces of the Baltic capitals – Riga, Tallinn, and Vilnius. Previous research suggests that Russian identity individuals, particularly those with lower socio-economic status, ar ...
This paper aims to deepen our understanding of how migration shapes the socio-demographic structure of the peripheral rural regions. We bridge the fields of peripherality and migration research to address the gap in understanding their interplay. We use Lithuania as a case study, ...

Fifty years after the Schelling's Models of Segregation

Bibliometric analysis of the legacy of Schelling and the future directions of segregation research

In 1969 Thomas C. Schelling published his paper “Models of Segregation” and in 1971 he published a follow-up paper introducing “Dynamic Models of Segregation”. Schelling's papers developed the theoretical models of interactive dynamics of individual residential choices, resulting ...
Cities are so complex that we constantly build models to represent them, understand them and attempt to plan them. Models represent a middle ground between the singular configurations of cities and universal theories. This is what makes them valuable and prone to circulate (betwe ...
This comparative study of socio-economic segregation in European cities, involving researchers from 16 European countries, aims to examine the evolving geography of segregation over a 20-yeartimeframe and provide an up-to-date understanding of residential socio-economic segregati ...
This study examines how socio-spatial inequalities are associated with population concentration and de-concentration processes shaped by residential mobility. The study explores whether the patterns of residential mobility vary in different settlement system contexts. It reviews ...
Informal urbanism has been generally studied within social, econmic and political frameworks, yet little is known of how it performs in terms of urban vitality. The aim of this article is to better understand the urban vitality of informal settlements and how they can be improved ...
This open access book investigates the link between income inequality and socio-economic residential segregation in 24 large urban regions in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. It offers a unique global overview of segregation trends based on case ...


Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality

Rising Inequalities and a Changing Social Geography of Cities

An Introduction to the Global Segregation Book

The book “Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality: a Global Perspective” investigates the link between income inequality and residential segregation between socio-economic groups in 24 large cities and their urban regions in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North A ...
Like many other Central and Eastern European countries Lithuania has been experiencing significant socio-spatial transformations since the 1990s. One of the most prominent of these transformations is associated with the residential suburbanization of its major cities. The suburbs ...

Urban change and the role of the capital city

A comparative study of 3 Baltic States

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – the three Baltic States – have experienced radical changes in their socio-spatial organization due to the transition from the Soviet regime to market-led neo-liberal economies in the 1990s. Since then the general trend in the Baltic States is popul ...
While experiencing one of the most extreme population declines in the world, quite many infants are born to teenage mothers in Lithuania. Adolescent fertility rate (AFR) in Lithuania is up to four times higher compared to the Northern and Western European countries. However, ther ...

Soviet housing estates in Vilnius, Lithuania

Socio-ethnic structure and future(-less?) perspectives

This study is focused on Soviet housing estates in Vilnius. The aim of the chapter is to gain more insight into the social and ethnic profile of the residents and to highlight the trajectories of change. The analysis is based on Lithuanian census data from 2001 to 2011. Results s ...

City systems in the Baltic states

The Soviet legacy and current paths of change

This paper analyses the development of city systems in the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania). These countries have experienced a shift from the relatively isolated realm of the Soviet Union to the European Union, one of the most liberal economies in the world. The aim ...

Socio-spatial change in Lithuania

Depopulation and increasing spatial inequalities

Since the 1990s Lithuania’s geopolitical and economic position has radically shifted from being a relatively affluent and prosperous region in the Soviet Union to a relatively poor country on the periphery of the European Union. The transition period was accompanied by a sharp po ...

Population decline in Lithuania

Who lives in declining regions and who leaves?

Since the 1990s, Lithuania lost almost one-quarter of its population, and some regions within the country lost more than 50% of their residents. Such a sharp population decline poses major challenges to politicians, policy-makers and planners. The aim of this study is to obtain m ...

Population Decline in Lithuania

Who Lives in Declining Regions and Who Leaves?

Since the 1990s, Lithuania lost almost a quarter of its population, and some regions within the country lost more than 50% of their residents. Such a sharp population decline poses major challenges to politicians, policy makers and planners. This study aims to get more insight in ...

Shrinking regions in a shrinking country

The geography of population decline in Lithuania 2001-2011

Shrinking populations have been gaining increasing attention, especially in postsocialist Eastern and Central European countries. While most studies focus on specific cities and regions, much less is known about the spatial dimension of population decline on the national level an ...