W. Gao
9 records found
This paper discusses the reconstruction of LoD2 building models from 2D and 3D data for large-scale urban environments. Traditional methods involve the use of LiDAR point clouds, but due to high costs and long intervals associated with acquiring such data for rapidly developing a
The thesis explores the semantic understanding of urban textured meshes derived from photogrammetric methods. It primarily addresses three aspects with regard to urban textured meshes: 1) semantic annotation and the creation of benchmark datasets, 2) semantic segmentation, and 3)
This paper presents a new algorithm for filling holes in Level of Detail 2 (LoD2) building mesh models, addressing the challenges posed by geometric inaccuracies and topological errors. Unlike traditional methods that often alter the original geometric structure or impose stringe
Building Point Cloud Completion Benchmarks
With the rapid advancement of 3D sensing technologies, obtaining 3D shape information of objects has become increasingly convenient. Lidar technology, with its capability to accurately capture the 3D information of objects at long distances, has been widely applied in the collect
De 3D BAG bevat automatisch gereconstrueerde LoD2-modellen van alle panden in Nederland, en is voor het eerst gereconstrueerd in het voorjaar van 2021 op basis van AHN3.1 Op basis van AHN4 is een nieuwe versie van de 3D BAG gereconstrueerd, in een samenwerking tussen 3DGI en de o
Planarity-sensible Semantic Segmentation of large-scale urban meshes
We introduce a novel deep learning-based framework to interpret 3D urban scenes represented as textured meshes. Based on the observation that object boundaries typically align with the boundaries of planar regions, our framework achieves semantic segmentation in two steps: planar
Voor de berekening van omgevingsgeluid geproduceerd door weg- en railverkeer en industrie maakt een geluidexpert gebruik van een 3D-model van de omgeving. Dit 3D model bevat onder andere informatie over a) de terreinhoogte, b) gebouwen en c) geluidreflecterende/absorberende eigen
A benchmark dataset of Semantic Urban Meshes
Recent developments in data acquisition technology allow us to collect 3D texture meshes quickly. Those can help us understand and analyse the urban environment, and as a consequence are useful for several applications like spatial analysis and urban planning. Semantic segmentati
Semantic segmentation, especially for buildings, from the very high resolution (VHR) airborne images is an important task in urban mapping applications. Nowadays, the deep learning has significantly improved and applied in computer vision applications. Fully Convolutional Network