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J.W. Haverkort

39 records found

Multiphase alkaline water electrolysis simulations

The need for a solid pressure model to explain experimental bubble overpotentials

As current densities in alkaline water electrolysers increase, the resistive losses become increasingly important due to the locally high gas fraction around the electrodes, even in zero-gap configurations. Nonetheless, quantitative measurement of the distribution of these high g ...

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Optimisation of variable catalyst loading in CO2 electroreduction

The electrochemical conversion of CO2 is a promising method of carbon-neutral chemical production. However, commercial realisation in aqueous electrolytes is challenging, due to competition with the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), and the propensity for CO2
The high mass transfer to or from gas-evolving electrodes is an attractive feature of electrochemical reactors, which can be partly attributed to the large convective flows that arise due to the buoyancy of bubbles. We derive exact analytical expressions for mass transfer coeffic ...
Electrochemical engineering deals with electrochemical devices like electrolysers, fuel cells, and batteries. While several excellent books exist in this long-standing and still growing field, their focus is usually on chemistry or phenomenology. In this textbook, we focus on ma ...
The development of a bubble plume from a vertical gas-evolving electrode is driven by buoyancy and hydrodynamic bubble dispersion. This canonical fluid mechanics problem is relevant for both thermal and electrochemical processes. We adopt a mixture model formulation for the two-p ...
The anodic co-production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) during alkaline water electrolysis has gained interest as a sustainable alternative for anthraquinone oxidation. However, electrochemical H2O2 production is often studied with idealiz ...
In flow-by capacitive deionization (CDI) brackish water flows between two electrodes that capacitively remove salt. We assume low inlet concentrations so “salt shocks” appear in the electrodes and the process becomes diffusion-limited. For unit charge efficiency, a simplified mod ...
Poor mass transport to or from vertical gas-evolving electrodes can adversely impact energy efficiency and product purity in the production of hydrogen, chlorine, and various metals. A proper description that combines natural convection with micromixing of growing, coalescing, an ...
Microfluidic fuel cells, electrolyzers, and redox flow batteries utilize laminar flow channels to provide reactants, remove products and avoid their crossover. These devices often also employ porous flow-through electrodes as they offer a high surface area for the reaction and ex ...
Understanding multiphase flow close to the electrode surface is crucial to the design of electrolyzers, such as alkaline water electrolyzers for the production of green hydrogen. Vertical electrodes develop a narrow gas plume near their surface. We apply the integral method to th ...
The use of gas diffusion electrodes that supply gaseous CO2 directly to the catalyst layer has greatly improved the performance of electrochemical CO2 conversion. However, reports of high current densities and Faradaic efficiencies primarily come from small ...

Dynamic operation of water electrolyzers

A review for applications in photovoltaic systems integration

This review provides a comprehensive overview of the dynamics of low-temperature water electrolyzers and their influence on coupling the three major technologies, alkaline, Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) and, Anion Exchange Membrane (AEM) with photovoltaic (PV) systems. Hydrogen ...
Membraneless parallel-plate electrolyzers use electrolyte flow to avoid product crossover. Using a mixture model neglecting inertia, and assuming an exponential gas fraction profile, we derive approximate analytical expressions for the velocity profile and pressure drop for thin ...
The diffusion layer is a crucial part of most fuel cells and electrolyzers. We analytically solve a simplified set of visco-capillary equations for the gas and liquid saturation profiles inside such layers. Contrary to existing numerical simulations, this approach allows us to ob ...
Reducing the gap between the electrodes and diaphragm to zero is an often adopted strategy to reduce the ohmic drop in alkaline water electrolyzers for hydrogen production. We provide a thorough account of the current–voltage relationship in such a zero-gap configuration over a w ...
The electrochemical reduction of CO2 on planar electrodes is limited by its prohibitively low diffusivity and solubility in water. Gas-diffusion electrodes (GDEs) can be used to reduce these limitations, and facilitate current densities orders of magnitude higher than ...
Both daily and seasonal fluctuations of renewable power sources will require large-scale energy storage technologies. A recently developed integrated battery and electrolyzer system, called battolyser, fulfills both time-scale requirements. Here, we develop a macroscopic COMSOL M ...
JOREK is a massively parallel fully implicit non-linear extended magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) code for realistic tokamak X-point plasmas. It has become a widely used versatile simulation code for studying large-scale plasma instabilities and their control and is continuously develo ...
Flow-through electrolyzers, with flow parallel to the current, are used in a wide range of industrial applications. The presence of flow avoids concentration gradients but can also be used to separate evolved gases, allowing membrane-less operation. In this work, we propose a sim ...
A new compact electrode architecture with hollow pillar-shaped anodes and cathodes arranged in a ‘checkerboard’ pattern is analysed and shown to be equivalent to a particular arrangement of corrugated plate electrodes. Because all four sides of the flow channels are electrodes, t ...