54 records found


The procedure presented in this work aims at providing a framework for studying settlement of ballast in zones with stiffness variation of the railway track support. The proposed procedure results from expanding an existing infinite periodic model of a railway track to account fo ...

Transition zones in railway tracks are locations with a significant variation of track properties (i.e. foundation stiffness) encountered near structures such as bridges and tunnels. Due to strong amplification of the track’s response, transition zones are prone to rapid degra ...

The Harmonic Balance Method (HBM) is often used to determine the stationary response of nonlinear discrete systems to harmonic loading. The HBM has also been applied to nonlinear continuous systems, but in many cases the nonlinearity consists of discrete nonlinear elements. This ...
Transition radiation is emitted when a source moves along a straight line with constant velocity and acts on or near an inhomogeneous medium [1]. It occurs, for example, when trains cross areas with substantial variation of track properties (e.g., foundation stiffness) encountere ...

Transition zones in railway tracks are areas with considerable variation of track properties (e.g., foundation stiffness) which may cause strong amplification of the response, leading to rapid degradation of the track geometry. Two possible indicators of degradation in the sup ...

Transition zones in railway tracks require a high maintenance frequency which leads to high costs and delays. To better understand the underlying mechanisms, a one-dimensional model is used, consisting of an infinite Euler-Bernoulli beam resting on locally inhomogeneous and non-l ...
Transition zones in railway tracks require a high maintenance frequency which leads to high costs and delays. To better understand the underlying mechanisms, a one-dimensional model is used, consisting of an infinite Euler-Bernoulli beam resting on locally inhomogeneous viscoelas ...
Transition zones in railway tracks are areas with considerable variation of track properties (i.e., foundation stiffness) encountered near structures such as bridges and tunnels. Due to strong amplification of the response, transition zones require frequent maintenance. To better ...
Transition radiation is emitted when a source moves along a straight line with constant velocity and acts on or near an inhomogeneous medium [1,2]. Transition radiation occurs, for example, when a train crosses an inhomogeneity in the railway track, such as a transition in founda ...
Transition zones are locations of discontinuity in the support, such as stiffness transition zones in the ballasted track (close to bridges, culverts and tunnels). These zones necessitate special attention, mainly because they: - Require frequent and expensive maintenance activit ...
Transition zones in railway lines are areas between different track structures such as the transition from conventional track (ballasted track) to slab track, to a tunnel or a viaduct. The main feature of a transition zone is that it exhibits a dramatic change in structural behav ...


Railways and other sources of environmentally induced vibrations often lead to annoyance and sometimes property damage. In this framework, transition zones are deemed as the most sensitive locations on the railway track, especially to high vibrations and impact loads. This causes ...
Soil exhibits hysteretic damping. A commonly used implementation of this type of damping are the Masing rules. They consist of a loading and an unloading branch, dened as a piecewise function and having a nonsmooth character. This paper presents a framework how steady-state solut ...
The strive for cleaner energy sources is one of the most demanding problems the world faces today. The role of offshore wind in the energy transition is becoming increasingly relevant. One of the areas where the industry expects to reduce conservatism and uncertainty in design is ...

Dynamic interaction between a moving vehicle and a bridge

Theoretical model and application of a complex mass-spring system, moving across a simply supported bridge

When a vehicle moves across a bridge, there is always an interaction between the vehicle and the bridge and within the vehicle itself. It is important to predetermine the vibrations in the bridge and vehicle. This way, the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) and Serviceability Limit State ...
Due to the high cost of long spanned bridges or deep tunnels, the interest into a submerged floating tunnel (SFT) has reemerged. In the last twenty years many studies on the SFT have been performed. This report investigates the interaction between a single vehicle, moving at cons ...
In this bachelor thesis a theoretical model is developed for the dynamic loading of a simply supported beam.