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L Gurevich
Academic Work (6)
Conference paper (1)
Journal article (5)
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6 records found
Nanometer-spaced electrodes with calibrated separation
Journal article (2002) -
Y Kervennic (author)
Herre Van Der van der Zant (author)
Herre Van Der Van der Zant (author)
Herre Van Der Zant (author)
Herre Van Der Van Der Zant (author)
Herre S J van der Zant (author)
Herre S J Van der Zant (author)
Herre S J Zant (author)
Herre S J Van Der Zant (author)
Herre van der Zant (author)
Herre Van der Zant (author)
Herre Zant (author)
Herre Van Der Zant (author)
Herre S.J. van der Zant (author)
Herre S.J. Van der Zant (author)
Herre S.J. Zant (author)
Herre S.J. Van Der Zant (author)
H.S.J. van der Zant (author)
H.S.J. Van der Zant (author)
H.S.J. Zant (author)
H.S.J. Van Der Zant (author)
H. S J van der Zant (author)
H. S J Van der Zant (author)
H. S J Zant (author)
H. S J Van Der Zant (author)
H. S.J. van der Zant (author)
H. S.J. Van der Zant (author)
H. S.J. Zant (author)
H. S.J. Van Der Zant (author)
HSJ van der Zant (author)
HSJ Van der Zant (author)
HSJ Zant (author)
HSJ Van Der Zant (author)
AF Morpurgo (author)
AF Morpurgo (author)
L Gurevich (author)
Leo Kouwenhoven (author)
L.P. Kouwenhoven (author)
L. P. Kouwenhoven (author)
Leo P. Kouwenhoven (author)
LP Kouwenhoven (author)
Ordered stretching of single molecules of DNA between microfabricated poly-styrene lines.
Journal article (2001) -
DCG Klein (author)
L Gurevich (author)
JW Janssen (author)
L.P. Kouwenhoven (author)
Leo P. Kouwenhoven (author)
Leo Kouwenhoven (author)
L. P. Kouwenhoven (author)
LP Kouwenhoven (author)
JD Carbeck (author)
LL Sohn (author)
Shell-tunneling spectroscopy of the single-particle energy levels of insulating quantum dots.
Journal article (2001) -
Erik P.A.M. Bakkers (author)
EPAM Bakkers (author)
Z Hens (author)
A Zunger (author)
A Franceschetti (author)
Leo Kouwenhoven (author)
L.P. Kouwenhoven (author)
L. P. Kouwenhoven (author)
Leo P. Kouwenhoven (author)
LP Kouwenhoven (author)
L Gurevich (author)
D Vanmaekelbergh (author)
Electron confinement and single electron effects in metallic and semiconducting nano-clusters.
Conference paper (2001) -
L Gurevich (author)
L Canali (author)
L. P. Kouwenhoven (author)
Leo Kouwenhoven (author)
Leo P. Kouwenhoven (author)
LP Kouwenhoven (author)
L.P. Kouwenhoven (author)
EPAM Bakkers (author)
Erik P.A.M. Bakkers (author)
D Vermaekelbergh (author)
An ultra-low temperature scanning tunneling microscope.
Journal article (2001) -
MD Upward (author)
JW Janssen (author)
L Gurevich (author)
AF Morpurgo (author)
AF Morpurgo (author)
Leo P. Kouwenhoven (author)
L.P. Kouwenhoven (author)
L. P. Kouwenhoven (author)
LP Kouwenhoven (author)
Leo Kouwenhoven (author)
Scanning gate spectroscopy on nano-clusters.
Journal article (2000) -
L Gurevich (author)
L Canali (author)
Leo Kouwenhoven (author)
L. P. Kouwenhoven (author)
L.P. Kouwenhoven (author)
Leo P. Kouwenhoven (author)
LP Kouwenhoven (author)