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A.B.H. Vernay
Academic Work (23)
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Conference paper (14)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (4)
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23 records found
Exploring the socio-technical dynamics of systems integration - the case of sewage gas for transport in Stockholm, Sweden
Journal article (2013) -
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
Karel F. Mulder (author)
K.F. Mulder (author)
KF Mulder (author)
Karel Mulder (author)
L.M. Kamp (author)
Linda Kamp (author)
Linda M. Kamp (author)
Linda Manon Kamp (author)
Hans M.C.J. de Bruijn (author)
JA de Bruijn (author)
Hans de Bruijn (author)
J.A. de Bruijn (author)
Circular urban systems: Moving towards systems integration
Doctoral thesis (2013) -
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
Hans M.C.J. de Bruijn (promotor)
JA de Bruijn (promotor)
Hans de Bruijn (promotor)
J.A. de Bruijn (promotor)
Karel F. Mulder (copromotor)
KF Mulder (copromotor)
K.F. Mulder (copromotor)
Karel Mulder (copromotor)
Implications of systems integration at the urban level : the case of Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm
Journal article (2013) -
S Pandis Iveroth (author)
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
Karel Mulder (author)
Karel F. Mulder (author)
KF Mulder (author)
K.F. Mulder (author)
N Brandt (author)
Book chapter (2012) -
M. de Jong (author)
WM de Jong (author)
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
C. Yu (author)
Developper un en Chine: La place de l¿universite dans l¿eco-cite ZONE ECO-2 a Shenzhen
Book chapter (2012) -
Martin de Jong (author)
WM de Jong (author)
WM De Jong (author)
W.M. De Jong (author)
Martin De Jong (author)
W.M. de Jong (author)
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
C. Yu (author)
Geen plek voor naiviteit in groene toekomststeden
Journal article (2011) -
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
Systems integration: conduction for success the case of Hammarby and Eva-Lanxmeer
Conference paper (2011) -
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
S Pandis (author)
T.B. Salcedo Rahola (author)
Karel Mulder (author)
Karel F. Mulder (author)
K.F. Mulder (author)
KF Mulder (author)
N Brandt (author)
Defining the eco-city: a discursive approach
Conference paper (2011) -
E. Rapoport (author)
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
Growing food, feeding change: Towards a holistic and dynamic approach of eco-city planning
Conference paper (2011) -
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
T.B. Salcedo Rahola (author)
W Ravesteijn (author)
W. Ravesteijn (author)
Wim Ravesteijn (author)
Exploring energy tranistion pathways: insights from Denmark and Sweden
Conference paper (2010) -
Linda Manon Kamp (author)
Linda Kamp (author)
L.M. Kamp (author)
Linda M. Kamp (author)
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
W. Ravesteijn (author)
W Ravesteijn (author)
Wim Ravesteijn (author)
A multi-source multi-product internal reforming fuel cell energy system as a stepping stone in the transition towards a more sustainable energy and transport sector
Journal article (2010) -
K. Hemmes (author)
Kas Hemmes (author)
K Hemmes (author)
Linda Manon Kamp (author)
Linda Kamp (author)
Linda M. Kamp (author)
L.M. Kamp (author)
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
G. de Werk (author)
Growing food, feeding change: towards a holistic and dynamic approach of eco-city planning
Conference paper (2010) -
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
T.B. Salcedo Rahola (author)
W Ravesteijn (author)
W. Ravesteijn (author)
Wim Ravesteijn (author)
Dynamics in the build-up of momentum around green innovations: lessons from transitions in Denmark and Sweden
Conference paper (2010) -
Linda Manon Kamp (author)
Linda Kamp (author)
L.M. Kamp (author)
Linda M. Kamp (author)
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
W. Ravesteijn (author)
W Ravesteijn (author)
Wim Ravesteijn (author)
Implications of system integration at the urban level, the case of Hammarby Sjostad, Stockholm
Conference paper (2010) -
S Pandis (author)
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
N Brandt (author)
K.F. Mulder (author)
Karel Mulder (author)
Karel F. Mulder (author)
KF Mulder (author)
Mechanics of sustainable urban development
Conference paper (2010) -
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
T.B. Salcedo Rahola (author)
W Ravesteijn (author)
W. Ravesteijn (author)
Wim Ravesteijn (author)
Dynamic Operation of Internal Reforming Fuel Cells to Compensate Fluctuating Renewable Energy Sources
Conference paper (2009) -
K. Hemmes (author)
K Hemmes (author)
Kas Hemmes (author)
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
D Manne (author)
GK Steenvoorden (author)
Tri-generation in the built environment
Conference paper (2009) -
G. de Werk (author)
K. Hemmes (author)
Kas Hemmes (author)
K Hemmes (author)
Linda Manon Kamp (author)
Linda Kamp (author)
Linda M. Kamp (author)
L.M. Kamp (author)
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
Tri-generation with internal reforming fuel cells as a stepping stone in the transition towards a more sustainable energy and transport sector
Abstract (2009) -
K. Hemmes (author)
K Hemmes (author)
Kas Hemmes (author)
D Manne (author)
GK Steenvoorden (author)
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
G. de Werk (author)
Impacts of multifunctionality on innovation processes-the case of district healing in the Netherlands
Conference paper (2009) -
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
K Hemmes (author)
K. Hemmes (author)
Kas Hemmes (author)
K.F. Mulder (author)
Karel F. Mulder (author)
KF Mulder (author)
Karel Mulder (author)
A reflection on the consequences of multifunctionality on long term sustainability with district heating as a case study
Conference paper (2009) -
A.B.H. Vernay (author)
K.F. Mulder (author)
Karel F. Mulder (author)
KF Mulder (author)
Karel Mulder (author)
K Hemmes (author)
K. Hemmes (author)
Kas Hemmes (author)