Because of recent stagnating single-thread performance and limited potential for further miniaturization of transistors, the computing industry is looking towards new technologies as the basis for the next generation of computing. One of these new technologies is quantum computin
Because of recent stagnating single-thread performance and limited potential for further miniaturization of transistors, the computing industry is looking towards new technologies as the basis for the next generation of computing. One of these new technologies is quantum computing.
For utility-scale quantum computing, we will likely need millions of qubits. To program these qubits, the complete quantum computing stack will need to be improved, since programming large numbers of qubits is not feasible with current quantum programming languages.
In this dissertation, we present our new unitary decomposition algorithm, which is used to decompose arbitrary unitary matrices into a sequence of quantum gates that can be executed on a quantum computer. Our method results in 5% less CNOT gates than the previous state-of-the-art and can be used to decompose an arbitrary 3-qubit gate into at most 19 CNOT gates.
Unitary decomposition is an essential part of some quantum algorithms, and can be used as an optimization method for (parts) of quantum circuits. Efficient implementation of unitary decomposition allows for the translation of bigger input matrices into elementary quantum operations, which is key to executing these algorithms on existing quantum computers.
With the implementation of unitary decomposition in quantum programming framework OpenQL, we show how the structure of the input or intermediate matrices can be used to minimize the number of output gates and to minimize the runtime of the decomposition. Our implementation is 10 to 500 times as fast as the decomposition methods of the UniversalQCompiler and Qubiter.
With hybrid classical-quantum algorithms, even near-term quantum devices may be able to outperform classical computers. Hybrid algorithms, such as variational quantum eigensolvers, are iterative processes, and use a classical optimizer to update a parameterized quantum circuit. Each iteration, the circuit is executed on a physical quantum processor or a simulator, and the average of the measurement results is passed back to the classical optimizer. When many iterations are performed, the quantum program is recompiled many times.
We have implemented explicit parameters that prevent recompilation of hybrid programs in OpenQL, called OpenQLpc. These parameters reduce the compile time, and therefore improve the total runtime for hybrid algorithms. We have compared the execution of the MAXCUT benchmark in OpenQL with the execution of the same benchmark in PyQuil and Qiskit, which shows that the efficient handling of parameterized circuits in OpenQLpc results in up to 70% reduction in total compilation time and a reduced total execution time. With OpenQLpc, compilation of hybrid algorithms is also faster than either PyQuil or Qiskit.
In a collaboration with BMW and Entropica, we have developed a quantum algorithm for industrial shift scheduling (QISS), which uses Grover's adaptive search to tackle a common and important class of valuable, real-world combinatorial optimization problems.
We show how QISS can be used to find the optimal schedule for n days out of a solution space of size N = 4^(2n). The optimal solution is reached in 99% of cases within sqrt(N) = 4^n applications of Grover's oracle, which requires a total of 11n +9 + log2(19n) qubits for scheduling n days. We show the explicit construction of the Grover's oracle, incorporating the multiple constraints and detail the corresponding logical-level resource requirements. Further, we simulate the application of QISS for small-scale problem instances to corroborate the performance of the algorithm.
Our work shows how complex real-world industrial optimization problems can be formulated in the context of Grover's algorithm.
Using QISS, we then used open-source tools to estimate the quantum resources required for execution of this algorithm. We used qubit models based on current technology, as well as theoretical high-fidelity scenarios for superconducting qubit platforms. We find that the overall computational runtime is more strongly influenced by the execution time of gate and measurement operations than by system error rates. We find that achieving quantum utility would not only require low system error rates (10^(-6) or better), but also measurement operations with an execution time below 10 ns. This rules out the possibility of near-term quantum utility for this use-case, and suggests that significant technological or algorithmic progress will be needed before quantum utility can be achieved.
The research in this dissertation allows us to answer our main research question:
How can we make the quantum computing stack ready for utility-scale quantum computing?
For the quantum stack to be ready for utility-scale quantum computing, several major improvements will need to be made to prepare for programming and compiling circuits with millions of qubits.
* We will need high-level abstractions that will speed up programming of quantum computers, allow for (easier) debugging and will allow for programming millions of qubits.
* The classical component of the compilation and compute of (hybrid) quantum algorithms will need to be improved.
* More algorithms for real-world use-cases will need to be developed, which will provide a basis for improvements across the quantum stack that will lead to quantum utility.
* We need to do quantum resource estimation for real use-cases, in order to have insights into what utility-scale quantum computing will look like.@en