Simone Linz

4 records found


Here we show that deciding whether two rooted binary phylogenetic trees on the same set of taxa permit a cherry-picking sequence, a special type of elimination order on the taxa, is NP-complete. This improves on an earlier result which proved hardness for eight or more trees. ...

A ternary permutation constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) is specified by a subset of the symmetric group S3. An instance of such a problem consists of a set of variables Vand a set of constraints C, where each constraint is an ordered triple of distinct elements from V. The go ...
It has recently been shown that the NP-hard problem of calculating the minimum number of hybridization events that is needed to explain a set of rooted binary phylogenetic trees by means of a hybridization network is fixed-parameter tractable if an instance of the problem consist ...
We show that the problem of computing the hybridization number of two rooted binary phylogenetic trees on the same set of taxa $X$ has a constant factor polynomial-time approximation if and only if the problem of computing a minimum-size feedback vertex set in a directed graph (D ...