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A Burtsev
Academic Work (5)
Conference paper (2)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (2)
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5 records found
Location-controlled large si islands by excimer-laser annealing on glass substrate
Doctoral thesis (2003) -
A Burtsev (author)
Electrical characterization of silicon diodes formed by laser annealing of implanted dopants
Conference paper (2003) -
L. K. Nanver (author)
L.K. Nanver (author)
LK Nanver (author)
JHCM Slabbekoorn (author)
A Burtsev (author)
T.L.M. Scholtes (author)
R Surdeanu (author)
F Simonetti (author)
HJ Kalhert (author)
JW Slotboom (author)
Phase-field modelling of excimer laser lateral crystallization of silicon thin films
Journal article (2003) -
A Burtsev (author)
M Apel (author)
R. Ishihara (author)
R Ishihara (author)
Ryoichi Ishihara (author)
C.I.M. Beenakker (author)
C. W J Beenakker (author)
Single-crystalline Si thin-film transistors fabricated with ¿-Czochralski (grain-filter) process
Conference paper (2002) -
Ryoichi Ishihara (author)
R. Ishihara (author)
R Ishihara (author)
PC van der Wilt (author)
BD van Dijk (author)
A Burtsev (author)
JW Metselaar (author)
C.I.M. Beenakker (author)
C. W J Beenakker (author)
Energy density window for location controlled Si grains by dual-beam excimer laser
Journal article (2002) -
A Burtsev (author)
R Ishihara (author)
Ryoichi Ishihara (author)
R. Ishihara (author)
C.I.M. Beenakker (author)
C. W J Beenakker (author)